Thursday, September 20, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Teen Center

We had a great meeting with some teens and parents last night at the Teen Center. We discussed a Vision for the Teen Center and asked everyone to consider how we would verbalize that mission.
The mission is important because out of the mission will come our Vision! We spent some time "dreaming" about what we'd like to have in the Teen Center, but more importantly, "how" those things would be tied to our Mission to serve Christ.
We talked about our responsibility to tie our wants and desires to God's plan for us (and the Teen Center). If we do that, God will find a way to provide what we need! That is exciting isn't it?!
We want you to create a place for you (the Teens) to feel comfortable and to feel at ease to bring your friends. Let's have fun putting the Teen Center on the map! I know if you align your energies with God's plans we will be unstoppable ;  )
Next Steps:
We need some people to step up to the following responsibilities. You won't be expected to do all the work, but rather to be a good leader and help coordinate the work. I will provide the project plan with specific tasks and dates.
Clean up Lead
Interior Design Lead
Remodel Lead
Fundraiser Lead
Project Lead - David Waters
Cleanup Lead
Interior Design Lead - Dawn Malcolm and Lee Ann Brown
Fundraiser Lead
Remodel Lead
Tools & Equipment Lead - Mike Brown
Please let me know as soon as possible what areas interest you. If you have multiple areas please list them with the most important first.
ALSO: send me your ideas;
Teen Center Name
Mission Statement
Interior and Exterior Improvements
Fundraiser Ideas
Names of people who can help
Thanks ; ))
David Waters
Gerke & Associates
(  636-530-4509
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