Thursday, September 20, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Teen Center - House - Follow up

I want to thank David Waters for taking the lead in the Teen Center Project!  He is an encouragement and a blessing!!!


We are in the “gathering information” mode right now and will be soliciting different groups for input and support including (as mentioned in David’s note)  Teens and Huddle Group leaders (last night and future meetings), parents in general, the church as a whole, elders and ministry staff.  We will be setting up a page on the youth group web site where you can see the project progress and give input as well.


We really want to see our teens take ownership of this process and were encouraged by their enthusiasm and desire to take this to another level.


God is blessing our Teen Ministry at Lafayette.  This is becoming a place where God is honored – not by buildings or programs but by daily walks being lived out  the in individual lives of our teens.



Thanks to David, Jim & Felicia Smith, Lee Ann Brown, Lizzy Smith, Charles Portwood, Michalie and Maleah Brown for coming to help with removing staples out of the floor (tedious work) and tree removal on Sunday.  We will have many small and large projects that will take various types of skill and time commitments.  If you (teens and adults) have special skills that you can share with this project, please contact David or Me so we can use you when we get to that point in the project.  As the project moves along, we will be sending out “work notices” – jump in when you can.  This is a great group effort and it will take everybody doing their part!


What a blessing it is to be a part of this youth group (and church) at this time!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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