Wednesday, September 19, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Elevate 2007




CLICK HERE to get your Elevate 2007 Registration Form.  Some of you already have them from Sunday.


This year we will be going to Camp Mihaska in Bourbon, MO.   Except for content (see below) all the details should be on the form.


The only thing different from the last announcement is that one of the tournament activities this year is PAINTBALL!!!  If you are interested in playing, you will need to bring $10 with you to play.  The cost covers equipment including paintball gun, helmet, face-mask and paintballs.  You are NOT allowed to bring your own equipment.





I have been waiting for the “official” content material from the directors of Elevate but that has not come yet so I wanted to get the registration form in your hands as the deadline (September 30) is approaching quickly.


This year’s Elevate is PURE.  The main sessions will be dealing with sexual purity.   Dr. Karl (PhD - Marriage and Family & Therapy) and Shannon (national speaker) Wendt are licensed counselors, authors and members of the Mt. Hope Church of Christ in Joplin, MO, where Karl is on staff as a counselor and they work with the teens.  Karl is a part time professor at Harding University and Ozark Christian College.  They have co-authored 2 books, “I Want to Teach My Child About Sex” and “I Want to Talk With My Teen About Love, Sex and Dating”.  They have raised 2 daughters who know and Love the Lord.


Our main sessions and classes will be broken into age and gender appropriate gatherings.  There will Sr. High girls only, Sr. High guys only and Middle School sessions – all tackling material that is appropriate for your child’s stage of life.


Karl and Shannon have been to Elevate before (when it was called Pinecrest).  I know that Daryl and Candie Simmons have spoken highly of the last retreat where this subject was discussed.  If you – as a parent -  have further questions, as always, I would be more than glad to talk with you.  Feel free to call the office, my cell phone (636-549-4505) or schedule an appointment to discuss this or any other concern you my have concerning your teen.





Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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