Tuesday, September 4, 2007


OK Girls, we’ve been telling you it’s coming - you’ve been holding the date…here’s the final details for the Revolve Tour…We need your money by this Sunday, September 9 (if you can’t get money by then, we will be getting a 2nd batch of tickets later if they are still available) – make checks out to ‘Lafayette Teen Ministry’


Date:  October 5-6

Who:  Girls 6th – 12th grade and their moms

Times:  Meet at the Teen Center (old rental house beside the Church Offices) at 5 PM on Friday, Oct 5

          We will return to the Teen Center on Saturday evening around 6:30 PM

Bring: Bible, Sleeping Bag, Pillow, air-mattress or pallet to sleep on (in the Teen Center), notebook, pen, pajamas, change of clothes for Saturday.  Dawn Malcolm or Lee Ann will also be contacting you to bring an item for breakfast on Saturday morning.  There will be stuff to buy (CDs, books, posters, etc) so you may want a little extra cash, you might want to bring a few small munchies for the day but nothing big – they do not allow you to bring food in the arena.

Up Front Costs:  Registration is $59 for group rate, boxed lunch is $8 (if you don’t get a boxed lunch, concessions will be available but it will probably be expensive – you are not allowed to leave the arena or bring food in)


More details than most of you ever wanted to know: 

·        you’ll be sleeping in the Teen Center but it won’t be very furnished yet – if you just can’t stand the thought of sleeping there or you really need your own bed, the group should return to the Teen Center by 10:30 PM Friday night and will leave no later than 8 AM Saturday morning. 

·        IF we do not have 10 tickets, we do not get the group rate and the cost is $69 – so make sure your friends are going. 

·        Moms are welcomed (encouraged) to go

·        You can go to www.revolvetour.com for more information on who is going to be there!





Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



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