Monday, September 10, 2007

[TeenMinistry] (no subject)

Last year’s volleyball tournament was my first large event as the new youth minister here at Lafayette last year.  We barely had enough for a team and lost our only two games which left us to just watch the rest of the day.

How times have changed!  Yesterday we had enough teens for 3 teams.  This year, all three of our teams were successful.  One of our all-ages teams placed 5th in the all-ages division and our middle school team took home 1st place in their division.  More than trophies is the awesome attitude that is blossoming in our teen group!  We had a several who went “just to be with the group” – putting into action one of our mottos – “it’s not about the event, it’s about the relationships!”  We had teens encouraging each other, bonding together, sharing together, laughing together.  Volleyball is event – relationships are the result!  God is working in our group – barriers are crumbling, lives are changing, relationships are transforming.

You can click  for some pictures from the Volleyball tournament.

FYI – Camp Ne-O-Tez raised $2600 for the day.

You Guys are Awesome,

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