Saturday, September 8, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Elevate Info

I am still waiting on the registration form and other information about Elevate from the directors but I wanted to get as much information in your hands as I can so here goes:


Elevate this year will be at Camp Mihaska in Bourbon, MO.  It is a great camp run by the Salvation Army.  The main factor in moving from Pinecrest was cost – the cost per person going to Pinecrest this year was going to be $70 to $80.  It also had to do with space – we had simply outgrown Pinecrest and were having to turn people away.  I know some of you are crushed…it’s hard to make changes but that’s part of life.  It will be OK, I promise.  If you give it a chance, I think you will soon come to love Mihaska too!  J



DATE:  October 12-14

TIMES:  Be at the building BY 6:15 Friday, Oct. 12 (eat dinner BEFORE YOU COME). 

            We should return by around 2 PM on Sunday, October 14 (we can call parents when we stop to eat for a definite time)

THEME:  PURE - Drs. Karl and Shannon Wendt will be presenting age appropriate material on sexual purity.  (This is some of the information I am waiting on – the directors are working with Karl and Shannon on presenting parents with an overview of the material that will be presented so you can make an informed decision – I will get this information to you as soon as I get it.)

COST:  $60 (money due by September 30 - $70 after 9/30)  AND $10 for t-shirt – last year we had several people who hadn’t paid for a t-shirt who wanted a t-shirt after we got there – THIS YEAR they are only taking pre-orders so t-shirts will not be available to buy at camp.

EXTRAS:  Bring money for lunch on the way home


I will have registration form for you ASAP but make plans now!!!




REMEMBER:  It’s not about the event, it’s about the relationships!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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