Friday, September 28, 2007


This is just a reminder that if you want the “early-bird” rate for Elevate, your money is due THIS SUNDAY, September 30!!!

Also – attached is the Parent Info Sheet Regarding the material that will be discussed at Elevate.




CLICK HERE to get your Elevate 2007 Registration Form.  Some of you already have them from Sunday.


This year we will be going to Camp Mihaska in Bourbon, MO.   Except for content (see below) all the details should be on the form.


The only thing different from the last announcement is that one of the tournament activities this year is PAINTBALL!!!  If you are interested in playing, you will need to bring $10 with you to play.  The cost covers equipment including paintball gun, helmet, face-mask and paintballs.  You are NOT allowed to bring your own equipment.





I have been waiting for the “official” content material from the directors of Elevate but that has not come yet so I wanted to get the registration form in your hands as the deadline (September 30) is approaching quickly.


This year’s Elevate is PURE.  The main sessions will be dealing with sexual purity.   Dr. Karl (PhD - Marriage and Family & Therapy) and Shannon (national speaker) Wendt are licensed counselors, authors and members of the Mt. Hope Church of Christ in Joplin, MO, where Karl is on staff as a counselor and they work with the teens.  Karl is a part time professor at Harding University and Ozark Christian College.  They have co-authored 2 books, “I Want to Teach My Child About Sex” and “I Want to Talk With My Teen About Love, Sex and Dating”.  They have raised 2 daughters who know and Love the Lord.


Our main sessions and classes will be broken into age and gender appropriate gatherings.  There will Sr. High girls only, Sr. High guys only and Middle School sessions – all tackling material that is appropriate for your child’s stage of life.


Karl and Shannon have been to Elevate before (when it was called Pinecrest).  I know that Daryl and Candie Simmons have spoken highly of the last retreat where this subject was discussed.  If you – as a parent -  have further questions, as always, I would be more than glad to talk with you.  Feel free to call the office, my cell phone (636-549-4505) or schedule an appointment to discuss this or any other concern you my have concerning your teen.



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Trunk or Treat - TEEN VERSION

OK TEENS - we're going to have an entry into the Trunk or Treat! Wee Need Your Help!!! - Mike






We need you!


Trunk or Treat

night is coming!!

Any teens wishing

to help put together a Teen booth for trunk or treat night 10/28 contact Dawn Malcolm 636-256-9183

We may use the church van and the bounce house.We can get refrigerator boxes and build a maze or castleShare your ideas.The theme of Scooby Doo has been mentioned so far!                        

Monday, September 24, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Teen Center Name

I've had one suggestion about a name for the Teen Center:
The Lighthouse - based upon Lafayette's mission statement of being a light on a hill.
Keep the ideas coming. Let us know your ideas!
David Waters
Gerke & Associates
(  636-530-4509
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail P

Sunday, September 23, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Teen Center Leads - update

Here is are up to date list:


Teen Clean Up:                    Lindsey Keim          

Technology Lead:                Nathan Enix

Teen Treasurer:                   Logan Keim

Teen Interior Designers:     Kendall Malcolm

Teen Remodeler:               ?                                 

Teen Fundraisers:                Chelsea Hirth                                  


Adult Project Manager:       David Waters

Adult Treasurer:                  Felicia Smith                                   

Adult Technology Lead:     David Waters                       

Adult Interior Designers:     Dawn Malcolm, Lee Ann Brown

Adult Remodeler:               ?                                 

Adult Fundraiser:                 Lynn Rardin

Tools & Equipment:            Wade Gillespie



David Waters
Gerke & Associates
(  636-530-4509
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail P

[TeenMinistry] Leads for Teen Center

Here is what we have so far. I assigned Leads on the basis of who responded first. If you responded for a Lead position that has been taken, please consider one of the open spots!
Thanks to everyone for the great response. We will be scheduling a Lead meeting to get organized. Stay tuned.

Teen Clean Up:

Technology Lead: Nathan Enix

Teen Treasurer: Logan Keim

Teen Interior Designers: Kendall Malcolm

Teen Remodeler: 

Teen Fundraisers: Chelsea Hirth

Adult Project Manager: David Waters

Adult Treasurer: Felicia Smith

Adult Technology Lead: David Waters

Adult Interior Designers: Lee Ann Brown, Dawn Malcolm

Adult Remodeler: 

Adult Fundraiser: Lynn Rardin

Tools & Equipment: Wade Gillespie

David Waters
Gerke & Associates
(  636-530-4509
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail P

Saturday, September 22, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Volunteers Still Needed

We still have a few openings!   :  )

Teen Clean Up Lead: ?

Technology Lead: Nathan

Teen Treasurer: Logan

Teen Interior Designers: Kendall

Teen Remodeler: ?

Teen Fundraisers: ?

Adult Project Manager: Waters

Adult Treasurer: ?

Adult Technology Lead: Waters

Adult Interior Designers: Dawn Malcolm, Lee Ann Brown

Adult Remodeler: ?

Adult Fundraiser: ?

Tools & Equipment: Wade

David Waters
Gerke & Associates
(  636-530-4509
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail P

Thursday, September 20, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Teen Center - House - Follow up

I want to thank David Waters for taking the lead in the Teen Center Project!  He is an encouragement and a blessing!!!


We are in the “gathering information” mode right now and will be soliciting different groups for input and support including (as mentioned in David’s note)  Teens and Huddle Group leaders (last night and future meetings), parents in general, the church as a whole, elders and ministry staff.  We will be setting up a page on the youth group web site where you can see the project progress and give input as well.


We really want to see our teens take ownership of this process and were encouraged by their enthusiasm and desire to take this to another level.


God is blessing our Teen Ministry at Lafayette.  This is becoming a place where God is honored – not by buildings or programs but by daily walks being lived out  the in individual lives of our teens.



Thanks to David, Jim & Felicia Smith, Lee Ann Brown, Lizzy Smith, Charles Portwood, Michalie and Maleah Brown for coming to help with removing staples out of the floor (tedious work) and tree removal on Sunday.  We will have many small and large projects that will take various types of skill and time commitments.  If you (teens and adults) have special skills that you can share with this project, please contact David or Me so we can use you when we get to that point in the project.  As the project moves along, we will be sending out “work notices” – jump in when you can.  This is a great group effort and it will take everybody doing their part!


What a blessing it is to be a part of this youth group (and church) at this time!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Teen Center

We had a great meeting with some teens and parents last night at the Teen Center. We discussed a Vision for the Teen Center and asked everyone to consider how we would verbalize that mission.
The mission is important because out of the mission will come our Vision! We spent some time "dreaming" about what we'd like to have in the Teen Center, but more importantly, "how" those things would be tied to our Mission to serve Christ.
We talked about our responsibility to tie our wants and desires to God's plan for us (and the Teen Center). If we do that, God will find a way to provide what we need! That is exciting isn't it?!
We want you to create a place for you (the Teens) to feel comfortable and to feel at ease to bring your friends. Let's have fun putting the Teen Center on the map! I know if you align your energies with God's plans we will be unstoppable ;  )
Next Steps:
We need some people to step up to the following responsibilities. You won't be expected to do all the work, but rather to be a good leader and help coordinate the work. I will provide the project plan with specific tasks and dates.
Clean up Lead
Interior Design Lead
Remodel Lead
Fundraiser Lead
Project Lead - David Waters
Cleanup Lead
Interior Design Lead - Dawn Malcolm and Lee Ann Brown
Fundraiser Lead
Remodel Lead
Tools & Equipment Lead - Mike Brown
Please let me know as soon as possible what areas interest you. If you have multiple areas please list them with the most important first.
ALSO: send me your ideas;
Teen Center Name
Mission Statement
Interior and Exterior Improvements
Fundraiser Ideas
Names of people who can help
Thanks ; ))
David Waters
Gerke & Associates
(  636-530-4509
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail P

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Juniors & Seniors - Harding is coming to St. Louis

Harding University is having an Information Dinner for Juniors, Seniors and their parents right here in St. Louis.


WHEN? Monday, Oct. 1, 6 p.m.

WHERE? Hacienda Mexican Restaurant, 9748 Manchester Road

WHAT? Dinner will be provided for high school juniors and seniors. Parents are invited as well.

RSVP Contact Mark Pruitt at (800) 477-4407 or by Sept. 28 to reserve your spot.




ALSO – Don’t forget Highschoolers

If you’re interested in going to Bison Daze with Cecil Johnson here is the note that was sent out last week:


If you are in Sr. High and interested in making a college campus visit to Harding keep reading –


The Johnsons will be going to Harding for Bison Daze and Homecoming on the weekend of November 1 – 4.


They will leave Thursday afternoon Nov. 1 around 4pm.   (Stop somewhere on the way for a fast food meal)

Arrive at Harding around 10pm hookup with roommates.

You can go to classes on Friday, meet with advisors, etc.

On Saturday, you can attend activities on campus.

On Sunday you will go to church, eat lunch, then head for home.  You should be back around 6:30 to 7 PM on the 4th.


The cost is $60 and includes Bison Daze Registration and transportation.  You will be responsible for dinner while traveling on Thursday and lunch and dinner on Sunday all other meals are covered with your registration – as well as a t-shirt and your entertainment (homecoming football game & “Wizard of Oz” musical) for the weekend.  You will be housed with Lafayette students or other Harding students in the dorm.


You need to pay MIKE by OCTOBER 10 if you are interested in going.



Things you need to bring:

  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • $$ for dinner on Thursday, lunch & dinner on Sunday, souvenirs, snacks, etc.


This can be considered a Campus Visit and Harding will provide a letter to you for an excused absence.



TEENS:  Tonight our Huddle Groups will meet in the future Teen Center.  We will have a devotional, huddle group prayer time and then David Waters will be talking with you about the Teen Center and ways you can be involved in the process of bringing it together!


Instead of going to the Teen Room in the building, head to the future Teen Center located in the house next to the Lafayette Church Office. (behind the storage shed and basketball goals).   You can enter through the back door.







Text Box: Lafayette Building

Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax