Wednesday, May 27, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Summer Teen Classes

Our Summer Classes are gearing up!

Our Sunday Morning Middle School will be taught this summer by our intern,
Charles Portwood, and begins this Sunday, May 31. The title of the Class is
"Basics of the Faith". The topics will include:

. Confident in Christ: How to Know Your Are Saved

. What a Book!: Understanding the Importance of the Bible

. Let's Communicate: How to Talk to God

. He's the Boss: How to Let God Lead You

. The Big Test: How to Handle Temptation

. Here Comes Trouble: How to Benefit From Life's Problems

. Give It Away: How to Share Your Faith

. Friends Forever: How to Build Positive Relationships

Our Sunday Morning Sr. High will take a little different twist this summer.
Beginning June 7, Ed Allstun and Greg Malcolm will be teaching from C.S.
Lewis' book "Mere Christianity". This is a classic Christian Apologetics
book that I personally think our Sr. High is up to reading! In fact, when
we took a straw poll last Sunday in class a dozen of them said they would
read it over the summer! You go guys! (I haven't read it in years so I
will commit to reading it with you).

The books are in and I will pass them out tonight. As we mentioned Sunday
morning, if you have $10 to donate to help with the cost of the books,
that's great - if you do not but WILL read it, even better! These are nice
hardback books that also includes Lewis' "Screwtape Letters" which I think
you will find a great read as well! If we run out we can get more.

Our Wednesday Nights are still Youth Group Nights where we will continue to
talk about Covenant and Community, go to the nursing home, work in small
groups, have devotionals and play games before and after our time is up.
Wednesday nights are the best time to connect with one another - try to make
being here a priority!

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