Friday, May 29, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Mission Trip - Error Correction

The original opening sentence said we leave on the 13th – we actually leave on the 8th and return on the 13th.


No more late-nite e-mails J





We leave for our mission trip on Monday, June 8 (and return the 13th)!  It’s coming fast!  We are asking the church for prayers that God will be glorified and all will be safe!


Here is who we have going:

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Charles Portwood


Carol Keim

Logan Keim

Lindsey Keim


Renee’ Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown


Emily Paulk

Kate Portwood


Laura Portwood

Lizzy Smith



In case you need to know, here are the guys:

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Charles Portwood


Text Box: Rooming ListRenee' Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Lindsey Keim

Logan Keim

Emily Paulk

Charles Portwood

Laura Portwood

Kate Portwood

Lizzy Smith


OK guys here are some reminders and other information:

·         We leave Monday, June 8

o   Be at the building by 8:30 AM (originally it was 8) – no need to come earlier than that.

o   Eat breakfast before you come.

·         We will return to the Lafayette Building by 4 PM on the 13th (will call when we are an hour out)

·         All but 1 of you (Bryn who is paid up) need you get Charles your $70 balance before we go.

·         Bring

o   sleeping bag and pillow just in case (some of you may not need them)

o   1 paint brush (3 or 4 inch would probably work the best) other supplies will be provided

o   Work clothes and a change of clean clothes for each day (working Tuesday through Friday)

§  T-Shirts (no halter tops or tank tops)

§  Modest shorts (finger tip rule)

§  Close-toed shoes (no flipflops or sandals to work in)


o   Money

§  meals on the road:

·         Monday we are stopping at Buffalo Wild Wings in Cape Girardeau

·         Wednesday Dinner

·         Saturday we are stopping at Lambert’s Cafeteria

·         (you may need money for breakfast on Saturday)

§  Souvenirs (Elvis Doll)

o   Ladder

§  If your family has a ladder you can bring that would be great! (see e-mail from earlier today)

§  If you don’t have a ladder, that’s OK – we’re rounding some up

o   Great Attitude

o   Servant’s Heart

o   GREAT GUEST MANNERS while staying with Host Family

§  Yes Ma’am, No Sir (we’re in the south - remember)

§  “May I help you wash the dishes”

§  “Can I do that load of laundry for you?”

§  “No thank you”

§  “We know you have to get up early to go to work, and so do we - so we will be in bed by 9:30”

§  “No, please, let us make our lunches for tomorrow”

§  “That’s OK, I don’t want to track dirt in your house, I’ll just leave my shoes outside the door”

§  “I’ll be glad to pick up my filthy socks off of your kitchen table”



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