Thursday, May 28, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Mission Trip - WE NEED LADDERS

There are 12 of us going on our Mission Trip to Memphis this Summer! It's
looking like it's going to be a great time! I will be sending another
e-mail out with more details about the trip.

THIS EMAIL is to ask for ladders. Each person is supposed to bring their
own ladder on the trip. We are in need of borrowing a few ladders since not
everyone has a reliable one (we have a couple of families with multiple kids
going too). The can be extension or step ladders. They just need to be
less than 12 feet when folded so they will fit in the trailer.

If you can help - we need them no later than Sunday, June 7. Please contact
our intern, Charles at 314.604.4079 or if you can help.

TeenMinistry mailing list

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