Saturday, May 30, 2009

[TeenMinistry] More Mission Trip Info

The Following information is on the Memphis workcamp website:


Note To Teen Volunteers


  • You are representing Jesus Christ.
  • Respect the neighborhood by keeping the noise level down.
  • No radios or headphones.
  • Do not go inside the houses you paint for any reason.


  • Click HERE for the schedule.
  • Your youth group will be meeting together on Wednesday.

Food & Snacks:

  • Water, ice and cups will be provided at each site.
  • Bring your own sack lunch and drink!  (this will be packed at your host family house)
  • Supper will be provided for you in the Highland gym at 6:00 pm every night except Wednesday (when your group meets together).


  • Wear protective clothing. You will get paint on them. Shorts are fine, if not too baggy – remember you may be on ladders. T-shirts are ok, but no loose tank tops – they get caught on nails. Gloves are useful when scraping, protective glasses are useful as well. Wear sunblock and/or hat to avoid getting sunburned.
  • Guys – You must wear a shirt. Do not wear shirts with the sides cut out. We do not want to see your boxers. Please be modest.
  • Girls – You must wear a shirt, also. Do not wear short cheerleader-type shorts. We do not want to see your bra, even if it’s a sports bra. Please be modest.
  • Avoid any contact with power lines at the site. DO NOT TOUCH ANY WIRES!!!
  • Keep ladders away from power lines.
  • Do not paint bricks, concrete or people. Be neat!
  • No one may leave the work site without the permission of crew leader.



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