Saturday, May 9, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Congregational Profile - Last Reminder

TEENS – you are members too!  Please take a few minutes to fill this out!


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 10:08 AM
Subject: [Members] Congregational Profile - Last Reminder
Importance: High


CLICK HERE to go to the Lafayette Church website where you can find the “Congregational Profile Survey” and “Determining Your Passion Form” in both Word and PDF formats. We need the input of all Lafayette Members  - please take the time to fill these out and return them by THIS Sunday.  You must CLICK THE LINK to get to the Profile Page.  Please see cover letter below.


There will also be some available for you to complete tomorrow during our fellowship time.






April 30, 2009




Dear Lafayette member:


The Transition Team is in the process of developing a congregation profile to assist with the minister selection process.  To that end you are invited to complete the Congregational Profile Inventory and the Ways to Determine Your Passion questionnaire. 


The Congregational Profile Inventory is meant to be filled out anonymously.    This questionnaire may be completed electronically and emailed back to the office, or you may print the questionnaire and complete it with your handwritten response.  Obviously, in order for this questionnaire to remain anonymous, your email returns will be collected by the secretarial staff and stored separately from your email.  Return your completed questionnaire to the church office by May 8, 2009.


We do request that you sign the Ways to Determine Your Passion questionnaire.  This too may be completed electronically and emailed back to the office, or you may print the questionnaire and complete it with your handwritten response.  Return your completed questionnaire to the church office by May 8, 2009.



We realize the investment of time it requires to complete the Congregational Profile Inventory however; it is an integral part of the process to complete an effective and accurate congregational profile.  We greatly appreciate your willingness to assist us in this matter.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kevin Leahy at         636-527-4582 or Dawn Portwood at 636-230-0142.




Kevin and Dawn

Transition Team Co-chairs


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