Saturday, May 30, 2009

[TeenMinistry] More Mission Trip Info

The Following information is on the Memphis workcamp website:


Note To Teen Volunteers


  • You are representing Jesus Christ.
  • Respect the neighborhood by keeping the noise level down.
  • No radios or headphones.
  • Do not go inside the houses you paint for any reason.


  • Click HERE for the schedule.
  • Your youth group will be meeting together on Wednesday.

Food & Snacks:

  • Water, ice and cups will be provided at each site.
  • Bring your own sack lunch and drink!  (this will be packed at your host family house)
  • Supper will be provided for you in the Highland gym at 6:00 pm every night except Wednesday (when your group meets together).


  • Wear protective clothing. You will get paint on them. Shorts are fine, if not too baggy – remember you may be on ladders. T-shirts are ok, but no loose tank tops – they get caught on nails. Gloves are useful when scraping, protective glasses are useful as well. Wear sunblock and/or hat to avoid getting sunburned.
  • Guys – You must wear a shirt. Do not wear shirts with the sides cut out. We do not want to see your boxers. Please be modest.
  • Girls – You must wear a shirt, also. Do not wear short cheerleader-type shorts. We do not want to see your bra, even if it’s a sports bra. Please be modest.
  • Avoid any contact with power lines at the site. DO NOT TOUCH ANY WIRES!!!
  • Keep ladders away from power lines.
  • Do not paint bricks, concrete or people. Be neat!
  • No one may leave the work site without the permission of crew leader.



Friday, May 29, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Mission Trip - Error Correction

The original opening sentence said we leave on the 13th – we actually leave on the 8th and return on the 13th.


No more late-nite e-mails J





We leave for our mission trip on Monday, June 8 (and return the 13th)!  It’s coming fast!  We are asking the church for prayers that God will be glorified and all will be safe!


Here is who we have going:

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Charles Portwood


Carol Keim

Logan Keim

Lindsey Keim


Renee’ Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown


Emily Paulk

Kate Portwood


Laura Portwood

Lizzy Smith



In case you need to know, here are the guys:

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Charles Portwood


Text Box: Rooming ListRenee' Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Lindsey Keim

Logan Keim

Emily Paulk

Charles Portwood

Laura Portwood

Kate Portwood

Lizzy Smith


OK guys here are some reminders and other information:

·         We leave Monday, June 8

o   Be at the building by 8:30 AM (originally it was 8) – no need to come earlier than that.

o   Eat breakfast before you come.

·         We will return to the Lafayette Building by 4 PM on the 13th (will call when we are an hour out)

·         All but 1 of you (Bryn who is paid up) need you get Charles your $70 balance before we go.

·         Bring

o   sleeping bag and pillow just in case (some of you may not need them)

o   1 paint brush (3 or 4 inch would probably work the best) other supplies will be provided

o   Work clothes and a change of clean clothes for each day (working Tuesday through Friday)

§  T-Shirts (no halter tops or tank tops)

§  Modest shorts (finger tip rule)

§  Close-toed shoes (no flipflops or sandals to work in)


o   Money

§  meals on the road:

·         Monday we are stopping at Buffalo Wild Wings in Cape Girardeau

·         Wednesday Dinner

·         Saturday we are stopping at Lambert’s Cafeteria

·         (you may need money for breakfast on Saturday)

§  Souvenirs (Elvis Doll)

o   Ladder

§  If your family has a ladder you can bring that would be great! (see e-mail from earlier today)

§  If you don’t have a ladder, that’s OK – we’re rounding some up

o   Great Attitude

o   Servant’s Heart

o   GREAT GUEST MANNERS while staying with Host Family

§  Yes Ma’am, No Sir (we’re in the south - remember)

§  “May I help you wash the dishes”

§  “Can I do that load of laundry for you?”

§  “No thank you”

§  “We know you have to get up early to go to work, and so do we - so we will be in bed by 9:30”

§  “No, please, let us make our lunches for tomorrow”

§  “That’s OK, I don’t want to track dirt in your house, I’ll just leave my shoes outside the door”

§  “I’ll be glad to pick up my filthy socks off of your kitchen table”



Thursday, May 28, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Mission Trip Info - Link

I am sorry - we are having trouble with our mail list server for some reason
it is taking attachments off and changing the format of the e-mail. We will
be working on it. In the meantime, if you want to see the Mission Trip Info
in paragraph form you can go here -

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Because of the Cross,


TeenMinistry mailing list

[TeenMinistry] Mission Trip Info

We leave for our mission trip on Monday, June 13! It's coming fast! We are
asking the church for prayers that God will be glorified and all will be

Here is who we have going:

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Charles Portwood


Carol Keim

Logan Keim

Lindsey Keim

Renee' Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown


Emily Paulk

Kate Portwood


Laura Portwood

Lizzy Smith

In case you need to know, here are the guys:

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Charles Portwood

Text Box: Rooming ListRenee' Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown

Mike Brown

Nathan Enix

Lindsey Keim

Logan Keim

Emily Paulk

Charles Portwood

Laura Portwood

Kate Portwood

Lizzy Smith

OK guys here are some reminders and other information:

· We leave Monday, June 8

o Be at the building by 8:30 AM (originally it was 8) – no need to come
earlier than that.

o Eat breakfast before you come.

· We will return to the Lafayette Building by 4 PM on the 13th (will
call when we are an hour out)

· All but 1 of you (Bryn who is paid up) need you get Charles your
$70 balance before we go.

· Bring

o sleeping bag and pillow just in case (some of you may not need them)

o 1 paint brush (3 or 4 inch would probably work the best) other supplies
will be provided

o Work clothes and a change of clean clothes for each day (working Tuesday
through Friday)

§ T-Shirts (no halter tops or tank tops)

§ Modest shorts (finger tip rule)

§ Close-toed shoes (no flipflops or sandals to work in)

o Money

§ meals on the road:

· Monday we are stopping at Buffalo Wild Wings in Cape Girardeau

· Wednesday Dinner

· Saturday we are stopping at Lambert's Cafeteria

· (you may need money for breakfast on Saturday)

§ Souvenirs (Elvis Doll)

o Ladder

§ If your family has a ladder you can bring that would be great! (see
e-mail from earlier today)

§ If you don't have a ladder, that's OK – we're rounding some up

o Great Attitude

o Servant's Heart

o GREAT GUEST MANNERS while staying with Host Family

§ Yes Ma'am, No Sir (we're in the south - remember)

§ "May I help you wash the dishes"

§ "Can I do that load of laundry for you?"

§ "No thank you"

§ "We know you have to get up early to go to work, and so do we - so we
will be in bed by 9:30"

§ "No, please, let us make our lunches for tomorrow"

§ "That's OK, I don't want to track dirt in your house, I'll just leave my
shoes outside the door"

§ "I'll be glad to pick up my filthy socks off of your kitchen table"

[TeenMinistry] Mission Trip - WE NEED LADDERS

There are 12 of us going on our Mission Trip to Memphis this Summer! It's
looking like it's going to be a great time! I will be sending another
e-mail out with more details about the trip.

THIS EMAIL is to ask for ladders. Each person is supposed to bring their
own ladder on the trip. We are in need of borrowing a few ladders since not
everyone has a reliable one (we have a couple of families with multiple kids
going too). The can be extension or step ladders. They just need to be
less than 12 feet when folded so they will fit in the trailer.

If you can help - we need them no later than Sunday, June 7. Please contact
our intern, Charles at 314.604.4079 or if you can help.

TeenMinistry mailing list

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Summer Teen Classes

Our Summer Classes are gearing up!

Our Sunday Morning Middle School will be taught this summer by our intern,
Charles Portwood, and begins this Sunday, May 31. The title of the Class is
"Basics of the Faith". The topics will include:

. Confident in Christ: How to Know Your Are Saved

. What a Book!: Understanding the Importance of the Bible

. Let's Communicate: How to Talk to God

. He's the Boss: How to Let God Lead You

. The Big Test: How to Handle Temptation

. Here Comes Trouble: How to Benefit From Life's Problems

. Give It Away: How to Share Your Faith

. Friends Forever: How to Build Positive Relationships

Our Sunday Morning Sr. High will take a little different twist this summer.
Beginning June 7, Ed Allstun and Greg Malcolm will be teaching from C.S.
Lewis' book "Mere Christianity". This is a classic Christian Apologetics
book that I personally think our Sr. High is up to reading! In fact, when
we took a straw poll last Sunday in class a dozen of them said they would
read it over the summer! You go guys! (I haven't read it in years so I
will commit to reading it with you).

The books are in and I will pass them out tonight. As we mentioned Sunday
morning, if you have $10 to donate to help with the cost of the books,
that's great - if you do not but WILL read it, even better! These are nice
hardback books that also includes Lewis' "Screwtape Letters" which I think
you will find a great read as well! If we run out we can get more.

Our Wednesday Nights are still Youth Group Nights where we will continue to
talk about Covenant and Community, go to the nursing home, work in small
groups, have devotionals and play games before and after our time is up.
Wednesday nights are the best time to connect with one another - try to make
being here a priority!

TeenMinistry mailing list

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

[TeenMinistry] JHDD - Form

For some reason the form didn't come through so I will try to send it again
OR you can go to the TeenEpic website -

Junior High Discipleship Days

JHDD is offered by the St. Louis Areawide Youth Ministries. It is for
Middle School Students (completed 6th-8th grades). If you are interested,
please fill out the form and return by June 7 (the form says May 31 but get
it to Charles or me by June 7 and there will be no penalty). Attached is
the information and signup form if you are interested. Due to conflicting
schedules JHDD is difficult for our group to attend consistently. HOWEVER,
the pricing schedule has changed to make it more affordable if you can't go
to all of the sessions. Each day we offer transportation, you will need to
be at the Lafayette building by 9 AM and we should return by no later than
3:45. Make sure you read through the attached document - it should answer
most of your questions - if not feel free to contact Mike at or Charles at

Here are the dates for JHDD - We will take the church van for the dates in

. June 11 - must carpool or provide own transportation (van and
drivers on mission trip)

. June 18 - City Museum Trip

. July 2 - Service Project

. July 9 - This is Kidsfest week at Lafayette - no transportation

. July 23 - Service Project

. July 30 & 31 - Float Trip (need a female chaperone to go)

o Return time on the 31st will depend on awards ceremony - TBA

[TeenMinistry] JHDD

Junior High Discipleship Days

JHDD is offered by the St. Louis Areawide Youth Ministries. It is for
Middle School Students (completed 6th-8th grades). If you are interested,
please fill out the form and return by June 7 (the form says May 31 but get
it to Charles or me by June 7 and there will be no penalty). Attached is
the information and signup form if you are interested. Due to conflicting
schedules JHDD is difficult for our group to attend consistently. HOWEVER,
the pricing schedule has changed to make it more affordable if you can't go
to all of the sessions. Each day we offer transportation, you will need to
be at the Lafayette building by 9 AM and we should return by no later than
3:45. Make sure you read through the attached document - it should answer
most of your questions - if not feel free to contact Mike at or Charles at

Here are the dates for JHDD - We will take the church van for the dates in

. June 11 - must carpool or provide own transportation (van and
drivers on mission trip)

. June 18 - City Museum Trip

. July 2 - Service Project

. July 9 - This is Kidsfest week at Lafayette - no transportation

. July 23 - Service Project

. July 30 & 31 - Float Trip (need a female chaperone to go)

o Return time on the 31st will depend on awards ceremony - TBA

[TeenMinistry] Movie & a Lunch

We finally got AMC to give us the movie times for this Friday. Sorry for
the delay but we were waiting on them. So here are the final details:

Movie & a Lunch

When: Friday, May 29 - 9:30 AM

Return by 2:30 PM

Where: Meet at the building (Church Van or come to the offices if you get
there early)

Cost: $4 at AMC (pay by Wednesday night)

BRING: Sack/picnic lunch

Popcorn/munchies money


. PLEASE SIGN UP AND PAY WEDNESDAY NIGHT - We will buy tickets early
to make sure we can get in.

. We will meet at the building at 9:30.

. We are going to the 10:30 Early Show of "Night at the Museum"

. After the movie we will go to a park for lunch

o We'll come back to the teen room if it's raining.

. Be back to the building by 2:30 PM


. What if I'm not going to be there Wednesday Night?

o You can call Charles by Thursday NOON at 314.604.4079 (or email at and guarantee that you are coming and we will buy a
ticket for you. However if you don't show up, you still owe us $4.

. Can I meet you at the movie theatre?

o Yes but if the transportation is full, you will have to have someone
pick you up after the movie. Be there by 10:15.

. What if I forget my lunch?

o DON'T - rummaging through park trash cans is an option - we will keep an
eye open for the park police.

. Who is chaperoning?

o Charles and Mike

. What if I don't/can't pay Wednesday night but still want to go.

o You can still come but you take a chance on the movie being full and not
being able to get a ticket

. Can parents and siblings come?

o Yes - we would love to have you - pay Wednesday night or call with a
guarantee and we will get you tickets too.

. What if I can only eat a small popcorn and drink but want to get a

o No problem - Mike and Charles will make sure you get your money's worth!
Be we will not share straws.

TeenMinistry mailing list

Friday, May 22, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Mike Brown invited you to the event "Lunch & a Movie"...

Mike invited you to "Lunch & a Movie" on Friday, May 29 at 9:30am.

Event: Lunch & a Movie
What: Daytrip
Host: TeenEpic
Start Time: Friday, May 29 at 9:30am
End Time: Friday, May 29 at 3:00pm
Where: AMC Chesterfield Mall

To see more details and RSVP, follow the link below:

Facebook helps you keep in touch with your friends and family and reconnect with people you lost touch with. You can share unlimited photos, plan events and join discussion groups. It's free and everyone can join. To register, go to:

The Facebook Team

___________________ was invited to join Facebook by Mike Brown. If you do not wish to receive this type of email from Facebook in the future, please click on the link below to unsubscribe.
Facebook's offices are located at 1601 S. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304.

TeenMinistry mailing list

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

[TeenMinistry] TONIGHT

Class outside tonight if the weather is nice.

Come early (6:40) for left over birthday cake and ice cream.

More talk about covenant tonight! We will review what we did last week and
brainstorm some more.

Don't forget your "Roger" change!!!

See you then!

TeenEpic ROCKS!!!

TeenMinistry mailing list

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Welcome Charles - Sunday Family Get-to-gether

It's great to have Charles Portwood as our Summer Intern! As of today,
Charles has officially begun his summer ministry with us. He will be with
us through mid-August. Charles and I spent the day going over our summer
activities. It's shaping up to be a busy time!

Not that he needs an introduction or anything BUT this Sunday after classes
we will have a "Welcome Charles" get-together in and around the TeenHouse
backyard. This is for FAMILIES - teens AND PARENTS - as well as anyone who
just wants to come hang out.

PLEASE NOTE: this is not a "drop your middle schooler off and they'll be
supervised event"

This is very low frills - It's "Bring your own Everything". It's bring your
own lunch, bring your own drinks, bring your own lawn chairs, basketball,
volleyball or whatever. BY THE WAY - It's Charles' birthday too!
Shhh.don't tell him. So you DON'T have to bring your own cake - we'll get
that - but you may need to serve yourself unless I can get a few of you to

As of tonight, it looks like the weather will cooperate but make sure you're
reading your e-mails this weekend!

TeenMinistry mailing list

Saturday, May 9, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Congregational Profile - Last Reminder

TEENS – you are members too!  Please take a few minutes to fill this out!


From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2009 10:08 AM
Subject: [Members] Congregational Profile - Last Reminder
Importance: High


CLICK HERE to go to the Lafayette Church website where you can find the “Congregational Profile Survey” and “Determining Your Passion Form” in both Word and PDF formats. We need the input of all Lafayette Members  - please take the time to fill these out and return them by THIS Sunday.  You must CLICK THE LINK to get to the Profile Page.  Please see cover letter below.


There will also be some available for you to complete tomorrow during our fellowship time.






April 30, 2009




Dear Lafayette member:


The Transition Team is in the process of developing a congregation profile to assist with the minister selection process.  To that end you are invited to complete the Congregational Profile Inventory and the Ways to Determine Your Passion questionnaire. 


The Congregational Profile Inventory is meant to be filled out anonymously.    This questionnaire may be completed electronically and emailed back to the office, or you may print the questionnaire and complete it with your handwritten response.  Obviously, in order for this questionnaire to remain anonymous, your email returns will be collected by the secretarial staff and stored separately from your email.  Return your completed questionnaire to the church office by May 8, 2009.


We do request that you sign the Ways to Determine Your Passion questionnaire.  This too may be completed electronically and emailed back to the office, or you may print the questionnaire and complete it with your handwritten response.  Return your completed questionnaire to the church office by May 8, 2009.



We realize the investment of time it requires to complete the Congregational Profile Inventory however; it is an integral part of the process to complete an effective and accurate congregational profile.  We greatly appreciate your willingness to assist us in this matter.


Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Kevin Leahy at         636-527-4582 or Dawn Portwood at 636-230-0142.




Kevin and Dawn

Transition Team Co-chairs


Saturday, May 2, 2009

[TeenMinistry] TABS

Just a reminder...TABS is tomorrow.  We will leave after AM Classes.  Bring outdoor games - also cards, fun small-group/picnic games.  HOPEFULLY it will NOT rain!!!

We will be back by 5 PM


Here's the list of people I have going:




Lee Ann
























































Friday, May 1, 2009

[TeenMinistry] LTC Practice


From: David & Whitney []
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 5:55 PM
Subject: Practice


Just when you thought LTC was over……   We have scheduled a practice this Saturday at 1:00 for puppets, drama, and chorus at the church building.  We NEED this practice because we are performing at church on Sunday—the whole service is being dedicated to LTC!!  Please, please, please make sure you are there on Saturday.  We should be done by 2:00 or 2:30 since it will just be a review of stuff.  Everyone is to wear your LTC T-shirt on Sunday to church also!  Thank you!!

For His Glory,

Dawn and Whitney