Thursday, November 1, 2007

[TeenMinistry] TABS - Last Chance

Hey Gang!!!

As of Today (Thursday), this is who I have down for coming to TABS:


Renee' Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown

Stacy Clifton

Nathan Enix

Nick Gillespie

Chelsea Hirth

Zach Hirth

Lindsey Keim

Logan Keim

Andrea Malcolm

Jordan Noyes

Charles Portwood

Kate Portwood

Laura Portwood

Dane Roper

Dylan Roper

Dani Simmons

Audrey Smith

Lizzy Smith

Abby Turnbough


If your name is not on the list, you need to e-mail me (CLICK HERE) or call me at 636-549-4505 TODAY!!!– WE HAVE TO GET RIDES AND DRIVERS LINED UP BY TOMORROW!!!  YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SIGN UP SUNDAY MORNING!!!  


At this point, we are OK on transportation, but if we have more than two more people go, we will need more transportation.  If you are a parent who would be willing to drive if the current vans are overflowed, please let me know. 


In case you have forgotten, details are below:


November 4 is TABS at O’Fallon.


·        The van will leave the building at 4:45 PM (we need to be leaving by 4:45 so be there early) and should return by no later than 8:30 PM.

·        Daryl Simmons is driving the van and Jennifer Bartel is driving her vehicle

·        I will not be here on Sunday but Lee Ann and I will be meeting the group at O’Fallon after our conference this weekend.


Because of the Cross,


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