Tuesday, November 27, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Care Packages for our college kids

TEENS and Adults – below is an announcement from the Shepherds concerning college student care packages.  Teens don’t let the adults do all the work – most of you can help by supplying small items…be creative.  Sr. High – you will be assembling the packages this Sunday at the end of class (you should not have to stay late, it will be a part of class time).


Our teens will be putting together care packages for our college students this Sunday morning during the second half of class.  Please bring in snack items such as granola bars, rice krispie treats, hot chocolate, microwave popcorn, gift cards to Starbucks, etc. that they can use for the packages.  They are also in need of empty shoeboxes and cash to cover shipping costs. 


Drop your goodies in the basket in the foyer or if you have a cash donation for postage, please hand it to Alan or Becky Shepherd.  All items must be at the church by this Sunday morning class time.  Thanks for helping our teens serve and encourage our college students!




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