Friday, November 30, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Winter Quarter Classes


This quarter’s Sunday classes are listed below. 


High School – Culture & Christian

Greg & Sue Finn and Alan & Becky Shepherd

We plan to conduct a study built around popular media and culture, emphasizing where movies / music / media have positive messages. We will contrast these with negative messages or patterns of behavior. An example would be media giving examples of self-sacrificing love versus exploitive or destructive relationships. We will also explore how media often take biblical themes as their subject matter and why these are attractive to us. Examples would include stories of redemption (prodigal son saga). We will also explore stories that show sacrifice for good that lives even beyond one's death (the Star Wars films). The goal is to have you think about the food you feed your brains and help you interpret the themes and messages.



Junior High – James Today

Mike & Lee Ann Brown

You mean I really have to be joyful when I encounter troubles?  You mean my faith should be more than just “knowing the facts”?  Controlling my tongue around my friends…are you kidding?  Submission….what’s that?  I’m not really rich…am I?  Tomorrow I will….

Out of all the New Testament writings, James, the brother of Jesus, shares how to actually live out your faith in a practical way that can make a difference.  Watch out though, it’s kind of a dangerous ride!


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