Monday, October 22, 2007

[TeenMinistry] (no subject)

Hey guys, I’m sending this on behalf of Lynn Rardin and our fund-raising crew…The Waters have been gracious enough to open their garage for their neighborhood garage sale this Saturday – so we need you to step up for an hour or two on Saturday!!!  After you get done helping, you can go check out all the other sales!!!  Here is a link to a map to their house.


Attention Teens:


We need your help!  David and Donna Waters are having a subdivision sale this Saturday.  They volunteered to try to sell some of the items that were left from the teen sale. They have asked that a few teens come and help out. 


Can you donate an hour or two to help us raise money for the teen center?

If so, please call David or Donna Waters for more details (636.530.1827). They will tell you the time of the sale and where they live.


Thank you,

Lynn J


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