Tuesday, October 2, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Garage Sales, Elevate, Teen Center, Scheduling & Calendars

You will see notes coming out about the Teen Center Garage Sale on October 13.  If you say “hey, that’s the same weekend as Elevate!” that would be a correct statement. J  In working with David Waters and the project and youth teams it was decided to go ahead and pursue the date in spite of the conflict.


There were a couple of reasons for this:

  • Since we have no funding at this point, we wanted to get a garage sale in before it gets too cold.  This will jumpstart our funds.
  • It was a good weekend for the project leaders
  • Every weekend in October had a conflict (elevate, men’s retreat, women’s retreat, revolve tour, hayride) – this shows that we are a busy church and youth ministry!
  • Since Elevate had to be scheduled several weeks earlier this year, there was greater conflict with band, football, homecomings etc. so several of our teens were not able to commit to Elevate.  This leaves them available to help with the garage sale.
  • We want and need parents and other Lafayette members involved in this process as well.


As a teen, what should you plan on doing???  Go to Elevate!!!  If your schedule doesn’t prevent you from going, then you need to be at Elevate – it’s a great time of forming friendships, making memories and growing in your relationship with God!  However, IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT TO ELEVATE – then we need your help with the garage sale!!!  There are lots of jobs that need done, so even if you can’t be there on Saturday, you can help!!!  Contact David Waters  or Lynn Rardin to see where you can jump in (This is for teens, parents and interested adults).


I want to thank David Waters for heading this Teen Center Project up.  He has come in with enthusiasm and the experience that will help us with the goal of having an awesome Teen Center.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact David or me – if one of us doesn’t know the answer, we’ll try to find it!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



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