Friday, October 5, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Harding Visit

This is just a reminder e-mail about the Harding visit….below is the e-mail that was sent before…the only thing that has changed is that you need to let me or Cecil know by THIS SUNDAY if you want to go!


If you are in Sr. High and interested in making a college campus visit to Harding keep reading –

The Johnsons will be going to Harding for Bison Daze and Homecoming on the weekend of November 1 – 4.

They will leave Thursday afternoon Nov. 1 around 4pm.   (Stop somewhere on the way for a fast food meal)

Arrive at Harding around 10pm hookup with roommates.

You can go to classes on Friday, meet with advisors, etc.

On Saturday, you can attend activities on campus.

On Sunday you will go to church, eat lunch in the cafeteria, then head for home.  You should be back around 6:30 to 7 PM on the 4th.


The cost is $60 and includes Bison Daze Registration and transportation.  You will be responsible for dinner while traveling on Thursday and lunch and dinner on Sunday all other meals are covered with your registration – as well as a t-shirt and your entertainment (homecoming football game & “Wizard of Oz” musical) for the weekend.  You will be housed with Lafayette students or other Harding students in the dorm.


You need to pay MIKE by THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 if you are interested in going.



Things you need to bring:

  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • $$ for dinner on Thursday, lunch & dinner on Sunday, souvenirs, snacks, etc.


This can be considered a Campus Visit and Harding will provide a letter to you for an excused absence.

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