Thursday, October 11, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Elevate Reminders

Just a reminder on Elevate details – look below to make sure you are on the list.


DATE:  October 12-14

TIMES:  Be at the building BY 6:15 Friday, Oct. 12 (eat dinner BEFORE YOU COME).  I should be at the building by 6 PM.

            We should return by around 2 PM on Sunday, October 14 (we can call parents when we stop to eat for a definite time)

THEME:  PURE - Drs. Karl and Shannon Wendt will be presenting age appropriate material on sexual purity.  CLICK HERE more details

COST:  $60 (money due by September 30 - $70 after 9/30)  AND $10 for t-shirt – last year we had several people who hadn’t paid for a t-shirt who wanted a t-shirt after we got there – THIS YEAR they are only taking pre-orders so t-shirts will not be available to buy at camp.

EXTRAS:  Bring money for lunch on the way home

                        Bring $10 cash if you plan on playing paintball (hint: you might want to bring camos or dark colored clothing…take it or leave it just a thought J )



HERE IS THE ROSTER FOR THE WEEKEND – if you are NOT on this list and you think you are going – you need to call me ASAP!!! 636-549-4505


Renee' Aston

Rochelle Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown

Nathan Enix

Nick Gillespie

Lindsey Keim

Logan Keim

Dane Roper

Dylan Roper

Dani Simmons

Lizzy Smith






Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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