Tuesday, October 30, 2007

[TeenMinistry] TABS

Hey Gang!!!

Here is who I have coming to TABS right now – this is a good list but I know it could potentially double or triple!!!  If your name is not on the list, you need to e-mail me (CLICK HERE) or call me at 636-549-4505WE HAVE TO GET RIDES AND DRIVERS LINED UP BY FRIDAY!!!  YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SIGN UP SUNDAY MORNING!!!  If you are a parent who would be willing to drive if the van is overflowed, please let me know.  In case you have forgotten, details are below:


Renee' Aston

Michalie Brown

Nathan Enix

Chelsea Hirth

Lindsey Keim

Logan Keim

Andrea Malcolm

Charles Portwood

Kate Portwood

Laura Portwood

Lizzy Smith


November 4 is TABS at O’Fallon.


The van will leave the building at 4:45 PM and should return by no later than 8:30 PM.


There is no cost!  Come, join a bunch of other teens from the area and have a great time together!!!


[TeenMinistry] FW: [Everyone] Wednesday night schedule

Tomorrow night, October 31st there will be no children or teen classes.  There will be a class for the adults in the auditorium (Gospel of John).  Regular schedule will resume next week.


In Him



Monday, October 29, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Guys Night!!! - Teen Center Clean-up

Hey guys (not in the generic sense but as in all the males in the youth group J)


We need your help…there are some big piles of trash that need to be removed from the Teen Center so David and the other workers can move to the next step.  If you can be here Tuesday night at 6 PM to help haul trash out, we can use your help!


Eat dinner before you come – it should only take an hour or so.   Bring a few $$ and we will make a Run for the Border (Taco Bell) when we are done – your parents can pick you up there (we can call them on the way).  It should be no later than 8 PM.


We could probably use 1 or 2 men to help as well.


If you have any questions give me a call at 636-549-4505.


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Saturday, October 27, 2007

[TeenMinistry] TABS

Next Sunday, November 4 is TABS at O’Fallon.


The van will leave the building at 4:45 PM and should return by no later than 8:30 PM.


There is no cost!  Come, join a bunch of other teens from the area and have a great time together!!!



PLEASE SIGN UP ON THE TEEN CENTER DOOR!!! Or E-mail ME to let me know you are coming!!!




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Thursday, October 25, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Lafayette Teen Ministry Jewelry Fundraiser


The Lafayette teens have another great fundraising opportunity!  You may shop online for jewelry, charms, keychains ect. 

and help out the teens. Go to www.compelling-creations.com  and when you shop enter our fundraising code 660262. 

This is beautiful faith-based sterling silver jewelry which will be shipped directly to you!  What perfect gifts!  Thank you for you support!

If you have questions please contact Lynn Rardin, Chelsea Hirth or Dawn Malcolm.  Additional flyers are available in the church foyer or office.



Monday, October 22, 2007

[TeenMinistry] (no subject)

Hey guys, I’m sending this on behalf of Lynn Rardin and our fund-raising crew…The Waters have been gracious enough to open their garage for their neighborhood garage sale this Saturday – so we need you to step up for an hour or two on Saturday!!!  After you get done helping, you can go check out all the other sales!!!  Here is a link to a map to their house.


Attention Teens:


We need your help!  David and Donna Waters are having a subdivision sale this Saturday.  They volunteered to try to sell some of the items that were left from the teen sale. They have asked that a few teens come and help out. 


Can you donate an hour or two to help us raise money for the teen center?

If so, please call David or Donna Waters for more details (636.530.1827). They will tell you the time of the sale and where they live.


Thank you,

Lynn J


[TeenMinistry] Trunk or Treat - Teens we need your help!

>Hey Teens!  It's Trunk or Treat time!

This Sunday is Trunk or Treat and we need lots of help!


Join us in the church parking lot and have a great time playing games and handing out candy to the little kids!  We are going with the theme of Scooby-Doo.  This allows everyone to dress as a show character, a monster (nothing too scary), a 70's style hippie or just about anything!  We are planning to set up the bounce house and run some games for the kids.  We need everyone at church about 3:00 pm to help set up and it starts at 4:00 pm.  We are asking each family with a teen coming to contribute a bag of candy to pass out.  If you have other questions please contact Dawn Malcolm or Mike Brown. Thanks!


[TeenMinistry] Hayride!!!!!

Can anyone breathe this morning?  For some reason my allergies are in full swing today!  It couldn’t be that the Senior High had an all-out hay fight – could it!  Of course Nathan Stobie and Taylor Payne are innocent! J  Jr. High had their share of mischief as well.


We had a great time at the Simmons!  Thank you to Daryl and Kandie for opening up their place to us and for being so hospitable!  ALSO – thank you to all the parents who turned out to help!  Parent involvement in the youth ministry is a key to success not only in the ministry but in our families!  There are too many to name and I would forget someone if I tried but thank you so much!  Special thanks to Terry and Betty Smith who drove the van!  All together (including 8 guests from McKnight) we had about 60 people enjoy an evening together.


Here is a link to some of the pictures from the evening!  http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=61610&l=bc833&id=550140244  


God is doing great things through our teens!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Tuesday, October 16, 2007

[TeenMinistry] REMINDER - teen work day

TEENS - This is a reminder from class last week.


Several of you have a ½ day of school tomorrow. 

  • We will meet at the building at 3 PM (so you have time to do your homework) for a work day. 
  • We will be hauling trash and cleaning the yard.
  • We will order pizza for dinner
  • You need to bring:  work gloves, yard rake & $5 for pizza and soda.
  • If you can’t come to work but want to join us for pizza, we will be in the Teen Room (at the building) around 6:15.


We will be doing a devotional for class tomorrow night and then break up into planning groups.


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Thursday, October 11, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Elevate Reminders

Just a reminder on Elevate details – look below to make sure you are on the list.


DATE:  October 12-14

TIMES:  Be at the building BY 6:15 Friday, Oct. 12 (eat dinner BEFORE YOU COME).  I should be at the building by 6 PM.

            We should return by around 2 PM on Sunday, October 14 (we can call parents when we stop to eat for a definite time)

THEME:  PURE - Drs. Karl and Shannon Wendt will be presenting age appropriate material on sexual purity.  CLICK HERE more details

COST:  $60 (money due by September 30 - $70 after 9/30)  AND $10 for t-shirt – last year we had several people who hadn’t paid for a t-shirt who wanted a t-shirt after we got there – THIS YEAR they are only taking pre-orders so t-shirts will not be available to buy at camp.

EXTRAS:  Bring money for lunch on the way home

                        Bring $10 cash if you plan on playing paintball (hint: you might want to bring camos or dark colored clothing…take it or leave it just a thought J )



HERE IS THE ROSTER FOR THE WEEKEND – if you are NOT on this list and you think you are going – you need to call me ASAP!!! 636-549-4505


Renee' Aston

Rochelle Aston

Bryn Bartel

Michalie Brown

Nathan Enix

Nick Gillespie

Lindsey Keim

Logan Keim

Dane Roper

Dylan Roper

Dani Simmons

Lizzy Smith






Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Tuesday, October 9, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Teen Center Garage Sale Help - Calling all Teens, Parents and Willing volunteers

Chelsea, Lynn and David need your help!!!!


CWould you please let them know of your availability to help…you can contact Lynn Rardin at lynnrar@fidnet.com or David Waters at DWaters@gerke.com


Teens NOT going to Elevate – I know many of you couldn’t go to Elevate because of band or football or other commitments over the weekend…we need you to step up to help…even if it’s just for an hour or two. 


The following information is from Lynn Rardin concerning the help they need this weekend:



  • Thursday night we need 3 or 4 teens to help price items. (6:30-?)
    • We have a couple of ladies that will be there Thursday.



  • We might need workers on Friday. It all depends on how much stuff we get.



  • Sat. we need at least 3 men (or teen guys) to help set up tables & move a few pieces of furniture at 6:00 a.m.(David said he will be there.)
  • We also need a couple of men (or teen guys) to help take tables down around 1:45 or so.
  • We need any available teens to help work the sale. (all shifts)


Exciting things are happening with the Lafayette Teen Ministry…thanks for being a part of it!!!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



[TeenMinistry] Teen Center Name

We need to get your ideas for a Teen Center name so we can vote. If you haven't submitted your ideas, please do so if you want your idea to be considered.
David Waters
Gerke & Associates
(  636-530-4509
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail P

[TeenMinistry] Teens - garage sale help tomorrow night

Hey Teens,

Tomorrow night we will be helping Lynn get garage sale stuff together.  If you can come early – I will be there as early as 5:30 to begin the process.  So if you’re just setting around doing nothing, we could really use the early help!




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



Friday, October 5, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Lafayette Teen Ministry HAYRIDE!!!!!

Van will leave Lafayette Church at
3 PM and return by 8 PM
Who: Middle School and Sr. High
Where: Simmons House
Cost:  $5 helps with food
SIGN UP:  Please sign up on the Teen Room Door so we know how much food to get!!!
TRANSPORTATION:  You will also need to sign up for transportation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OTHER:  McKnight  Road is going to be joining us.

If you’re going to drive separately, YOU CANNOT GOOGLE OR MAPQUEST the di­rections!!!  Here are directions from Daryl and Kandie that you need to follow:


141 to  R  on  Hawkins  (it's just a little past the other turn off, maybe 2 stop lights)

                        there is a QT at this intersection on the right side.     

stay on this road.........it turns into  NEW Sugar Creek   

  when you get to the stop light at HWY 30  Turn  Right  (there is a Walgreens,  Mc Donalds, Shell gas station  at this intersection)

Go down to the next stop light, this is Little Brennan RD,  make  a Right 

 (Kmart shopping center)

Get ready to make a Left on Brennan RD,  (just between the Kmart shopping ceter and  Dobbs Tire)  stay on Brennan road  until you get to the STOP  sign, Right Turn Hillsboro Valley Park road.   Then quick Left turn on Glick (right under the high power lines.)

[TeenMinistry] Harding Visit

This is just a reminder e-mail about the Harding visit….below is the e-mail that was sent before…the only thing that has changed is that you need to let me or Cecil know by THIS SUNDAY if you want to go!


If you are in Sr. High and interested in making a college campus visit to Harding keep reading –

The Johnsons will be going to Harding for Bison Daze and Homecoming on the weekend of November 1 – 4.

They will leave Thursday afternoon Nov. 1 around 4pm.   (Stop somewhere on the way for a fast food meal)

Arrive at Harding around 10pm hookup with roommates.

You can go to classes on Friday, meet with advisors, etc.

On Saturday, you can attend activities on campus.

On Sunday you will go to church, eat lunch in the cafeteria, then head for home.  You should be back around 6:30 to 7 PM on the 4th.


The cost is $60 and includes Bison Daze Registration and transportation.  You will be responsible for dinner while traveling on Thursday and lunch and dinner on Sunday all other meals are covered with your registration – as well as a t-shirt and your entertainment (homecoming football game & “Wizard of Oz” musical) for the weekend.  You will be housed with Lafayette students or other Harding students in the dorm.


You need to pay MIKE by THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 if you are interested in going.



Things you need to bring:

  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • $$ for dinner on Thursday, lunch & dinner on Sunday, souvenirs, snacks, etc.


This can be considered a Campus Visit and Harding will provide a letter to you for an excused absence.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Garage Sales, Elevate, Teen Center, Scheduling & Calendars

You will see notes coming out about the Teen Center Garage Sale on October 13.  If you say “hey, that’s the same weekend as Elevate!” that would be a correct statement. J  In working with David Waters and the project and youth teams it was decided to go ahead and pursue the date in spite of the conflict.


There were a couple of reasons for this:

  • Since we have no funding at this point, we wanted to get a garage sale in before it gets too cold.  This will jumpstart our funds.
  • It was a good weekend for the project leaders
  • Every weekend in October had a conflict (elevate, men’s retreat, women’s retreat, revolve tour, hayride) – this shows that we are a busy church and youth ministry!
  • Since Elevate had to be scheduled several weeks earlier this year, there was greater conflict with band, football, homecomings etc. so several of our teens were not able to commit to Elevate.  This leaves them available to help with the garage sale.
  • We want and need parents and other Lafayette members involved in this process as well.


As a teen, what should you plan on doing???  Go to Elevate!!!  If your schedule doesn’t prevent you from going, then you need to be at Elevate – it’s a great time of forming friendships, making memories and growing in your relationship with God!  However, IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT TO ELEVATE – then we need your help with the garage sale!!!  There are lots of jobs that need done, so even if you can’t be there on Saturday, you can help!!!  Contact David Waters  or Lynn Rardin to see where you can jump in (This is for teens, parents and interested adults).


I want to thank David Waters for heading this Teen Center Project up.  He has come in with enthusiasm and the experience that will help us with the goal of having an awesome Teen Center.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact David or me – if one of us doesn’t know the answer, we’ll try to find it!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax
