Wednesday, October 7, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Sunday - Help!

Overview of this Email

1.     Help this Sunday during Congregational Meeting

2.     Help this Sunday AFTER Congregational Meeting

3.     SIGN UP TO HELP!!!

Most of you teens may or may not know there is a congregational meeting this Sunday.  In case you are clueless, there is a congregational meeting on Sunday.  I had 5 people volunteer last Sunday morning to help babysit.  Not sure if we will need that many but here they are:

1.     Nathan Enix

2.     Michalie Brown

3.     Zach Hirth

4.     Jessie Gatlin

5.     Lizzy Smith

If you're not helping babysit - WE CAN STILL USE YOUR HELP!  We will be passing out flyers about our Trunk-or-Treat/Flu Shots immediately following lunch.   If your parents are staying for the meeting, make sure they have told Kathy you're coming.    IF YOU'RE PARENTS ARE NOT coming to the meeting - please let me know TONIGHT or TOMORROW (Thursday)morning. CLICK HERE to send email and let us know you're coming.



After we're done passing out flyers - we need help cleaning up around the teen house and church grounds.  This is mostly picking up sticks, weeding and throwing stuff away.  Bring work gloves, a rake (yard rake and/or garden rake) or other yard tools.  We will plan on being done no later than 3 PM - if we get done early, we'll play a game of kickball!  I could use a few adults to help as well!!!!!


CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP for one or both!!!



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