Wednesday, October 7, 2009

[TeenMinistry] REFUGE - Sr. High Arewide Fall Retreat



Our areawide Fall Retreat has had a few changes:

·        This year it is for Sr. High only (middle school, your retreat is in the Spring)

·        The name has changed from Elevate to REFUGE

·        It's still going to be a blast!



·        Get me your form (attached or CLICK HERE) and money by October 18!!! (MAKE CHECKS OUT TO LAFEYETTE!!!!)

o       LET ME KNOW YOU'RE PLANNING ON COMING ASAP (CLICK HERE) even if you wait until the last minute (nothing is firm until I have your form and money, this just helps me plan for rides)

·        The cost is $85 - includes registration, meals, lodging, snacks and transportation.

o       after the 18th the cost is $95

·        Schedule:

o       Leave Friday, November 6th  - 6:30 PM (EAT BEFORE YOU COME)

o       Return Sunday, November 8th - around noon (we have a minister candidate coming in that day and a luncheon will be going on)

·        Bring - see brochure

·        Paintball - see brochure

·        T-shirt - see brochure

·        If you need financial assistance PLEASE let me know!!!




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