Monday, April 20, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Roger - Youth Group Compassion

You guys are doing great with your support for Roger.  I am seeing $1 and $5 bills in the bucket when it goes by!  HOW COOL IS THAT!!!  You all are being very generous!!!  Keep up the good work!  We have raised more than enough money for now.   Once we get paid through a few months, we will discuss how to allocate the extra funds (that is do we sponsor another child or do we give special gifts to the family – Rogers parents only make about $150 per month).  Thanks to Chelsea and Renee who are heading this up!!!


In the meantime make sure you are:

·         Saving your change (1 quarter per youth group member per week is more than enough)

·         PRAYING – Pray for Roger daily (our family does – as well as for our own family’s little girl, Miara who lives in Brazil)

·         Writing – Keep writing – you can write on your own paper or get a sheet from the youth room – the first round of letters have already gone out!

·         Encouraging – your parents and friends to “get your own” child.  It’s VERY EASY…go to .  Yes times are hard, our family has tried to increase our giving in several areas – and you know what – I still need to lose weight! – haven’t gone hungry yet!


What an awesome youth group you are!  Keep up the good work!!!


Because of the Cross,

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