Thursday, April 2, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Retreat

We have 16 of us going to the Area-wide Middle School Retreat this weekend.  Thank you to Felicia Smith for “volunteering” to go and help chaperone.

A couple of reminders: 

·         We leave at 5 PM on Friday – BRING $$ for dinner

·         Bring

o   Bible

o   Normal Camp stuff – flash light, bug spray, etc.

o   Sleeping stuff – bag, jammies, pillow, etc – NO HEAT IN THE CABINS!

o   Shower stuff – If you forget everything else bring SOAP

o   WORK CLOTHES – gloves, “work” clothes  - we will be doing some cleaning Saturday afternoon

·         DON’T BRING

o   Anything illegal (including alcohol, smoke stuff, drug stuff, etc.)

o   Knives, firearms, fireworks

o   Cell phones (you can leave on the van – they don’t work at camp anyway)

o   iPods or other mp3 /music players


·         We will be back in time for class on Sunday morning so you can eat lunch with your parents or go to LTC practice

Looks like good weather until Sunday!!!


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