Thursday, April 23, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Camp Ne-O-Tez Staff Training

Just a reminder that the Ne-O-Tez Staff Training is THIS Sunday – April 26.  If you haven’t done so yet, CLICK HERE to download the Staff Training form. 

Daryl will be taking the van.  The van will leave after morning classes and should return by around 5:30 PM.  Lunch is provided.   

Here is a list of people going:


1              bryn bartel

2              Danielle Smith

3              Nathan Enix

4              lizzy Smith

5              Lindsey Keim

6              Logan Keim

7              Michalie Brown

8              Renee' Aston

9              Rochelle Aston

10           nathan enix

11           Dion  Shaffer

12           Rachel Schafer


If you still need a ride – there are 2 spots left – you must see Daryl to make sure there is still room!

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