Tuesday, April 28, 2009

[TeenMinistry] TABS

PLEASE – make sure you sign up for TABS

PLEASE don’t wait until Saturday night or Sunday if you don’t have to we are already going to need some drivers and we may not have room for you if we don’t know you’re coming!

CLICK HERE to sign up

If you “don’t want to sign up that way” or can’t figure it out please send me an email (mike.brown@lafayettechurch.or) or call – 636.549.8644  BY THURSDAY 9 AM


Original e-mail - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


TABS is Sunday, May 3.


We will leave the building after classes that morning.

We will have a cookout lunch, volleyball, outdoor games, and a devotional at the Fairview Heights Church in Fairview Heights, IL.

We should be back by 5 PM

You Shouldn’t need any money!!!!  NOW THAT’S A DEAL!!!




Thursday, April 23, 2009

[TeenMinistry] HEY TEENS - Stay up to date

I am trying out a text service.  I need some “guinea pigs”.  Receive up-to-date text messages about the youth group in a text message on your phone.

Click here to sign up! 

There is no fee for the service HOWEVER if you do not have unlimited texting, you will be charged for each text you get from the service.



You can follow what’s going on in the group on Twitter – log in and follow TEENEPIC  (parents can do this one too)



You guys ROCK!!!

[TeenMinistry] Camp Ne-O-Tez Staff Training

Just a reminder that the Ne-O-Tez Staff Training is THIS Sunday – April 26.  If you haven’t done so yet, CLICK HERE to download the Staff Training form. 

Daryl will be taking the van.  The van will leave after morning classes and should return by around 5:30 PM.  Lunch is provided.   

Here is a list of people going:


1              bryn bartel

2              Danielle Smith

3              Nathan Enix

4              lizzy Smith

5              Lindsey Keim

6              Logan Keim

7              Michalie Brown

8              Renee' Aston

9              Rochelle Aston

10           nathan enix

11           Dion  Shaffer

12           Rachel Schafer


If you still need a ride – there are 2 spots left – you must see Daryl to make sure there is still room!

Monday, April 20, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Roger - Youth Group Compassion

You guys are doing great with your support for Roger.  I am seeing $1 and $5 bills in the bucket when it goes by!  HOW COOL IS THAT!!!  You all are being very generous!!!  Keep up the good work!  We have raised more than enough money for now.   Once we get paid through a few months, we will discuss how to allocate the extra funds (that is do we sponsor another child or do we give special gifts to the family – Rogers parents only make about $150 per month).  Thanks to Chelsea and Renee who are heading this up!!!


In the meantime make sure you are:

·         Saving your change (1 quarter per youth group member per week is more than enough)

·         PRAYING – Pray for Roger daily (our family does – as well as for our own family’s little girl, Miara who lives in Brazil)

·         Writing – Keep writing – you can write on your own paper or get a sheet from the youth room – the first round of letters have already gone out!

·         Encouraging – your parents and friends to “get your own” child.  It’s VERY EASY…go to www.compassion.com .  Yes times are hard, our family has tried to increase our giving in several areas – and you know what – I still need to lose weight! – haven’t gone hungry yet!


What an awesome youth group you are!  Keep up the good work!!!


Because of the Cross,

Thursday, April 16, 2009

[TeenMinistry] TABS

TABS is Sunday, May 3.


We will leave the building after classes that morning.

We will have a cookout lunch, volleyball, outdoor games, and a devotional at the Fairview Heights Church in Fairview Heights, IL.

We should be back by 5 PM

You Shouldn’t need any money!!!!  NOW THAT’S A DEAL!!!



[TeenMinistry] Memphis WorkCamp!!!

HERE IT IS – our mission trip info.  I’ve been telling you to keep the date for months.


You can go to - http://www.teenepic.org/#/memphisworkcamp/4533478745 for all the information you should need.


If you want go YOU MUST ACT FAST

ALL APPLICATIONS AND Deposit is due on MAY 3!!!!!!!!!!!


CLICK HERE NOW!!!! For more information

[TeenMinistry] Neotez Staff Training

Just a reminder, if you’re wanting to work at Camp Ne-O-Tez this  summer as a counselor or dish-washer, you must attend Staff Training on April 26.  CLICK HERE to download the Staff Training form.  Daryl will be taking the van for the first 13 of you (shouldn’t be that many but just in case) who sign up  (CLICK HERE – to sign up for the van ride).  The van will leave after morning classes and should return by around 5:30 PM.  Lunch is provided.   Make sure you fill out the entire Staff Training form.




CLICK HERE – to sign up for the van ride


CLICK HERE – to download the Staff Training form



Wednesday, April 15, 2009

[TeenMinistry] LTC

We had a great weekend at LTC!  Dawn and Whitney will be sharing results with you soon!  All of the kids who participated had a great time!  Thanks to Dawn and Whitney for pouring themselves into our children and teens!


GREAT JOB to all the teens who worked so hard.  The serendipity to doing LTC is that you not only work on a project, you work on relationships too!


Word on the awards and some pictures are coming soon!  We will be having an LTC showcase on our next Family Sunday – May 3



Because of the Cross,



Thursday, April 2, 2009

[TeenMinistry] Good Stuff

Along with some from the Children’s ministry, we had 42+ at the nursing home last night!  How awesome!  You guys rock!  We go each 1st Wednesday of the month (however we will miss May because of the Gillespie farewell dinner).


We have at least 16 going to the Areawide Middle School retreat this weekend – that will account for nearly HALF of all the groups put together! 


Our TLC leaders group and our entire youth group (last Wednesday night) unanimously support Charles Portwood coming as an intern this summer.  Charles is excited and I know you are too.  Even though many of you “know” Charles, plan on hitting your parents up to have him over for dinner one night this summer!!!


HOLD THE DATE – Our mission trip will be June 8-13.  It will be for High School (including incoming 8th grade).  The cost will be around $125 – a couple more details that still need to be figured out will finalize that number.



[TeenMinistry] Retreat

We have 16 of us going to the Area-wide Middle School Retreat this weekend.  Thank you to Felicia Smith for “volunteering” to go and help chaperone.

A couple of reminders: 

·         We leave at 5 PM on Friday – BRING $$ for dinner

·         Bring

o   Bible

o   Normal Camp stuff – flash light, bug spray, etc.

o   Sleeping stuff – bag, jammies, pillow, etc – NO HEAT IN THE CABINS!

o   Shower stuff – If you forget everything else bring SOAP

o   WORK CLOTHES – gloves, “work” clothes  - we will be doing some cleaning Saturday afternoon

·         DON’T BRING

o   Anything illegal (including alcohol, smoke stuff, drug stuff, etc.)

o   Knives, firearms, fireworks

o   Cell phones (you can leave on the van – they don’t work at camp anyway)

o   iPods or other mp3 /music players


·         We will be back in time for class on Sunday morning so you can eat lunch with your parents or go to LTC practice

Looks like good weather until Sunday!!!