Tuesday, September 2, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Silent Auction!

Hey Teens our silent auction went fairly well.  Many of you were bid on.  You should be contacted soon to about your job responsibility.


It will go something like this:

  • You will get the name and number of the person who bid on you.
  • You need to call that person (by THIS FRIDAY) to set up a time when you can perform your service – the sooner the better.
    • Make sure you check with your parents about the timing if you need to arrange rides, etc.
  • That person may want to negotiate with you for doing more or different work…that is up to you and your schedule…try to be flexible – remember all the money you raise doing this goes to your Teen Center (The EPICenter).  If they ask you to do “more work” then you should be paid for more time
    • For instance – if they bid on you to do “up to” 3 hours work at $24 then “your rate” should be $8 an hour.
  • Please contact me by e-mail, facebook or phone (636.549.8644) when you have contacted them and set up a time.  I will send you a “work-sheet” for you to fill out and that they can sign when you are done.
  • You will go do the work to the best of your ability – if you were bid on for “up to 3 hours” then - if you finish early, you should say “what else can I do?”
  • After the work is completed, you will hand them your WorkSheet, they will sign it and give you a check made out to “Lafayette Teen Ministry” (or they can give the check to me).
  • I will follow up with them to make sure they were satisfied with your work.
  • We will have more money to help finish the Teen Center (EPICenter)


Thank you to those who volunteered their time and services for this! 


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax



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