Monday, September 22, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Every Young Woman's/Man's Battle

Our Sr. High classes got off to a good start yesterday. 


The ladies did some introduction to the class and dove into EYWB Chapter 1.  The Girls talked about how wisdom is the path to innocence, but ignorance often is the path to evil.  (Romans 16:19 & 1 Peter 1:13-16)  We also talked about how even “good Christian girls are not exempt from sexual temptations.  We began to examine how sin likes to hide in secret.  You must dare to tell the truth about your struggles if you truly want victory and freedom.  NEXT WEEK we will be in Chapters 2 & 3 of EYWB discussing God’s blueprints for sexuality and the real meaning of sexual integrity. 


The guys laid some groundwork for being open and honest with one another as we deal with sexual integrity.  We identified ways that we are challenged every day to keep our thoughts pure.  The culture (even Christians) around us is so saturated by sex that we wake up each morning at a disadvantage.  If we’re going to get anywhere in this battle we have to become aware of the tools that Satan uses to keep us captive.   We discussed what Paul meant in Ephesians when he says “there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity…” (5:3).  WOW!  What does “hint” mean to you?  NEXT WEEK we will be in Chapters 1 & 2 of EYMB – make sure you read the introduction as well! (that’s only 14 pages!)


If you ordered a book on Sunday, they will be in on Wednesday.  If you haven’t paid for yours yet, they are $12.  If you can’t afford it, Lee Ann and I will buy it for you! (That’s how important we think this is!).  Read it, make notes in it, underline it…this is a book you may come back to often as you go through high school, college and even into young adulthood!


SR. HIGH PARENTS – I encourage you to be reading the book as well (make sure you read ALL of it before you call me J ).  If you want your own copy, let me know.  The principles in these books could have helped and can still help a lot of us become the man or woman is calling US to be in Christ.  MORE IMPORTANTLY for us they can help us mold and shape our children as they begin to develop a faith that is their own.


MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS – while we wouldn’t suggest all middle schoolers read this material, we do see some of our own Lafayette middle schoolers reaching the level of needing to go through this material.  If your teen or pre-teen is asking about dating – IT’S TIME!  If they ARE dating (i.e. “boyfriend”/ “girlfriend” they spend time with) then you need to do this YESTERDAY!  If you need other materials to help you, please Lee Ann or me know.


LATE ELEMENTARY & EARLY MIDDLE SCHOOL – your kids aren’t even thinking about this stuff right – WRONG!  Unless they live in a cocoon (they don’t see billboards, watch TV including Disney Channel or NICK, listen to pop music, or spend any time with friends) they have been introduced to sexuality.  As early as 3rd & 4th grade (sometimes earlier) they are being introduced to Western Culture sexuality.  Don’t be surprised – arm yourself now.  “Preparing Your Son/Daughter for Every Young Man’s/Woman’s Battle” is an excellent tool for you to begin the process with your pre-adolescent child.  Believe me – it’s so much easier to start here than when they are 16!


ALL PARENTS – Ignorance is NOT bliss, whatever you do, please don’t hand this or any book on sexuality to your child and assume they are going to read it!  Be the parent!  Walk with them through it.  Don’t be afraid of your past or present.  God has a way of working on us and healing us through our roles as parents.  In our culture today, we cannot afford to assume that the precious life that God has entrusted you with will be OK if you just hold your breath long enough.  Be pro-active, be intentional.  Is it tough, yes.  Is it uncomfortable, yep.  Is it worth it – you bet!  You may find yourself scrambling and wondering what to do.  That’s OK.  Come talk to Lee Ann and me (or someone else you trust) – that’s why we’re here.  God can do some powerful things here…are you ready to anti-up?





Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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