Monday, September 22, 2008

[TeenMinistry] ELEVATE

ELEVATE is coming up!  October 31- November 2


Since I’m a co-director – I will have to be at the camp early -  I may need a parent or two with a van to drive some down and come get some on Sunday.  Because of space limitations, we cannot stack our group with chaperones.  If you would be willing to drive your van and take us down there on Friday night OR come get us on Sunday, please let me know.  I may not need to use you but I’ve got to know what our capacity is – we already have 9 going.  THIS IS A GREAT PROBLEM TO HAVE BUT TRANSPORTATOIN MAY BE AN ISSUE – IF WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH WE MAY HAVE TO TURN KIDS AWAY!!!



Friday, Oct 31

            Leave LC at  6 PM

Sunday, Nov 2

            Return to LC by 1 PM



o       $3 to help with gas for the van

o       your sleeping bag

o       pillow

o       bible

o       notebook

o       pen

o       changes of clothes (could get cold – cabins are heated)

o       toiletries

o       towel

o       wash cloth


o       anything illegal (you will be sent home)

o       fireworks (you will most likely be sent home)

o       iPod or other electronics (they will be confiscated) - (cell phone is fine, but leave in the van).


Friends are welcome to come!


Attached is the registration form.  Numbers are limited so get them back to me ASAP!  It’s first register and pay/first go.   If you can’t do all the $ right now, give me half now and half later.  We just need to get these registration forms in so you have a spot.  If you can’t afford it at all, please see me, I will find a sponsor for you!!!  PLEASE NOTE – after OCTOBER 12 – the price goes up by $10!!!


“OH BUT IT’S HALLOWEEN” – don’t get me started - “GROW UP!!!”   If you’re old enough to be in the youth group YOU’RE TOO OLD TO TRICK-OR-TREAT!  Take the money you would spend on a costume and go buy candy on Sunday afternoon at 70% off! J




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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