Friday, May 23, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Vacation and some summer stuff

Hey gang,

 I just wanted to let you know that my family and I will be out of town this week.  (Sorry, we’ll miss the picnic on Sunday). 


We’re going to go chill out in Arkansas – yes Arkansas – give me a break!  Sleeping in, sitting by a lake, going to the “beach”, reading, taking a nap, fishing, grilling out, fishing some more – well you get the idea. J I most likely won’t have cell phone or e-mail access but if you need something leave an e-mail or voice mail and when we venture 25 miles to the nearest wal-mart, I’ll get a signal.


If you’re signing up for something (JHDD or VOM Mission Trip), the best way to do that is put your stuff in an envelope and send it to me in the mail or drop it by the office.



When we get back next Saturday night, we will be ready to hit the summer running!


  • Senior Day
  • Sr. High Swim Party
  • KidsFest
  • JHDD
  • Camp Ne-O-Tez
  • Jr. High trip to the zoo
  • Sr. High Float trip
  • Voice of the Martyrs Mission Trip
  • North City VBS (still working on details)
  • Soul-Lift (3 days worth)
  • Circle of Concern
  • Devos
  • Movie Nights
  • More swimming!
  • And several other things!


We’ll all need a vacation just to recover from summer!


WE’ve got a lot to do this summer.  We’re all going to be coming and going so jump in the schedule when you can!  You can go to the Lafayette Church website and get the latest information on calendar details by clicking on “Ministries” then “Teens”   OR click on “Calendars” and then “Teens”



Wednesday nights we’ll be doing a lot of interactive things. 

Sunday mornings the Sr. High will be studying the book of James with Greg & Dawn Malcolm and the Jr. High will be studying “Life Lessons”, the girls will be with Mandy Johnson and the guys will be with Charles and me!



Several of you have mentioned “I want to do something at my house!”  GREAT!!!  Look at the teen Calendar (go to click on “Calendars” and then “Teens”) and see what’s open…call me or send an e-mail and I will work with you to get something going.  (for youth group events PLEASE DO NOT JUST TELL THE OFFICE – communicate with me)

            Things to think about when you’re planning something:

                        Guys and/or girls

                        Jr. High and/or Senior High

                        Proximity of other events (even if the DAY is open – is there something else right before or after)


                        Chaperones (Adult)





God is doing some really cool things in the lives of our teens here at Lafayette!  I hope you know just how awesome it is to be a part of what HE’S doing!






Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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