Thursday, May 8, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Mother's Day Service "Project"

This Sunday is Mother’s Day!
Most of you probably owe me “big time” for reminding you of that!!!

There are several things you need to know concerning this Sunday!

Don’t forget your own mom!
The teens will be passing out Mother’s Day gifts Sunday morning during services.  I need about 8-10 volunteers (see me Sunday AM before worship time)
We will meet at 2:30 PM to go to West County Care Center.  We will be passing out flowers to resident mothers there who have not had a visit from their family for Mother’s day
After that we will go to Chesterfield Mall to play “GlowGolf”
If we have time, we will stop for ice cream on the way back.
We will be back to the building by 6:30 PM

You will need:
	$10 (covers flowers and mini-golf, van gas)
	Money for ice cream (we will stop only if we have time.

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