Friday, May 23, 2008

[Fwd: [TeenMinistry] Swim Party] - with the date this time :)

Sr. High Swim Party at the Simmon's


FOR:  incoming 9th graders - outgoing 12th graders

BRING - snack or dessert AND a 2-liter

ADDRESS:  5071 Glick Road, High Ridge, MO  63049  (CLICK HERE FOR MAP)


TRANSPORTATION:  arrive there at 2Van leaves at 1:45 / return about 5:30 (BRING $2 gas "donation" if you are riding the van)

WHAT TO WEAR:  Youth group "approved" swim suits ONLY - NO BIKINIs Tankini's OK  (I’ll bring old t-shirts for those who might forget!)




























Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


TeenMinistry mailing list

The date for the Senior High Swim Party is June 1

Thanks for catching that Renee'!

Sr. High Swim Party at the Simmon's

FOR: incoming 9th graders - outgoing 12th graders

BRING - snack or dessert AND a 2-liter

ADDRESS: 5071 Glick Road, High Ridge, MO 63049 (CLICK
.495855,-90.514855&spn=0.007776,0.019913&z=16&iwloc=addr> HERE FOR MAP)

TRANSPORTATION: arrive there at 2Van leaves at 1:45 / return about 5:30
(BRING $2 gas "donation" if you are riding the van)

WHAT TO WEAR: Youth group "approved" swim suits ONLY - NO BIKINIs
Tankini's OK (I'll bring old t-shirts for those who might forget!)

Because of the Cross,


Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO 63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] New Volleyball Court

Thanks to the Simmons family for donating materials and labor for our volleyball court behind the Teen Center.


Take a look from Wednesday night!


(you should be able to click below to see some pics)



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Vacation and some summer stuff

Hey gang,

 I just wanted to let you know that my family and I will be out of town this week.  (Sorry, we’ll miss the picnic on Sunday). 


We’re going to go chill out in Arkansas – yes Arkansas – give me a break!  Sleeping in, sitting by a lake, going to the “beach”, reading, taking a nap, fishing, grilling out, fishing some more – well you get the idea. J I most likely won’t have cell phone or e-mail access but if you need something leave an e-mail or voice mail and when we venture 25 miles to the nearest wal-mart, I’ll get a signal.


If you’re signing up for something (JHDD or VOM Mission Trip), the best way to do that is put your stuff in an envelope and send it to me in the mail or drop it by the office.



When we get back next Saturday night, we will be ready to hit the summer running!


  • Senior Day
  • Sr. High Swim Party
  • KidsFest
  • JHDD
  • Camp Ne-O-Tez
  • Jr. High trip to the zoo
  • Sr. High Float trip
  • Voice of the Martyrs Mission Trip
  • North City VBS (still working on details)
  • Soul-Lift (3 days worth)
  • Circle of Concern
  • Devos
  • Movie Nights
  • More swimming!
  • And several other things!


We’ll all need a vacation just to recover from summer!


WE’ve got a lot to do this summer.  We’re all going to be coming and going so jump in the schedule when you can!  You can go to the Lafayette Church website and get the latest information on calendar details by clicking on “Ministries” then “Teens”   OR click on “Calendars” and then “Teens”



Wednesday nights we’ll be doing a lot of interactive things. 

Sunday mornings the Sr. High will be studying the book of James with Greg & Dawn Malcolm and the Jr. High will be studying “Life Lessons”, the girls will be with Mandy Johnson and the guys will be with Charles and me!



Several of you have mentioned “I want to do something at my house!”  GREAT!!!  Look at the teen Calendar (go to click on “Calendars” and then “Teens”) and see what’s open…call me or send an e-mail and I will work with you to get something going.  (for youth group events PLEASE DO NOT JUST TELL THE OFFICE – communicate with me)

            Things to think about when you’re planning something:

                        Guys and/or girls

                        Jr. High and/or Senior High

                        Proximity of other events (even if the DAY is open – is there something else right before or after)


                        Chaperones (Adult)





God is doing some really cool things in the lives of our teens here at Lafayette!  I hope you know just how awesome it is to be a part of what HE’S doing!






Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Swim Party

Sr. High Swim Party at the Simmon's


FOR:  incoming 9th graders - outgoing 12th graders

BRING - snack or dessert AND a 2-liter

ADDRESS:  5071 Glick Road, High Ridge, MO  63049  (CLICK HERE FOR MAP)


TRANSPORTATION:  arrive there at 2Van leaves at 1:45 / return about 5:30 (BRING $2 gas "donation" if you are riding the van)

WHAT TO WEAR:  Youth group "approved" swim suits ONLY - NO BIKINIs Tankini's OK  (I’ll bring old t-shirts for those who might forget!)




























Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Voice of the Martyrs Mission Trip

Snapshot Details

· Date: July 17-22, 2008

· Leave 8 AM, Thursday, July 17

· Return 6 PM, Tuesday, July 22

· Cost: $225 (includes transportation and lodging, a few meals)

· First pay-First go

· Open only to High School (incl incoming 9th grade) until June 4, then open to incoming 8th grade.

· Deposit of $25 (non-refundable) holds your spot

· Total of $100 due on June 29

· Total amount due by July 13

· If you have financial limitations, please see Mike

· Bring:

· Money for meals (we will do “community” meals—lots of cereal and PB&J as much as possible but will also have to eat out some)

· Sleeping bag and pillow—we are trying to secure homes with the local church there (Nate Reiser from the O’Fallon Church of Christ recently moved to work with the church in Bartlesville) so we can cut down on costs


· Limit: 12 teens (not my limit—theirs)


· 1 female chaperone (I have a couple of ladies checking schedules but I need a back up or two in case they fall through)

· Donations to help make the trip possible for some who can’t afford it.

· WORK—for those trying to raise money to go.

The Lafayette Teen Ministry will be going to Bartlesville, OK to work at the headquarters of The Voice of the Martyrs. ( ) VOM is responsible for helping Christians throughout the world who are being persecuted because of their faith. We will be processing donations, packing boxes, sorting clothes, Bibles and whatever needs to be done. We will also be learning what people across the world are having to go through to claim their faith in Christ. This is a unique opportunity—we had to be recommended and then apply for acceptance.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

[TeenMinistry] FW: JHDD 2008 Brochure

ACT NOW!!!!   ACT NOW!!!  ACT NOW!!!   ACT NOW!!!!!

Junior High Discipleship Days


If you’ve participated in JHDD (Junior High Discipleship Days) before, you know it’s a great thing to be a part of!  JHDD is a summer experience for Jr. High 6th-8th grade (incoming 5th graders can participate as well).  This year’s theme is “REVEAL”.  Each session will include a time of Bible Study (we will be studying the book of Romans), Bible Bowl, Lunch and a service project or fun event.   It’s a great way for our jr. high teens to connect with one another as well as with other teens throughout St. Louis.



Attached is the application (for those of you who are computer savvy, it would help if you print it out front and back on the same page J )

These should be filled out and returned to me by JUNE 4 (the sooner the better! – I will be out of town May 24-May 31)

Mailing them to the office may be most convenient (Mike Brown, 115 New Ballwin Rd, Ballwin, MO  63021)



The total cost is $85 (this includes the Float Trip) -   If you do not want to do the float trip the cost is $50  (if finances are an issue, please contact me)

We will also be asking you to donate to the van gas kitty ($1 or $2 per day that you go)

You will need to bring your sack lunch each day.



We will be leaving at 9 AM and should return by around 3:45 PM each day we meet



June 12th  (Lafayette will not be attending because of Kidsfest)

June 19th

July 3rd

July 10th

July 24th

July 31st & August 1st


If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call.




Monday, May 19, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Soul Lift Contest

Anyone interested in participating, here is information about a soul-lift competition.



NEW this year to Soullift!!

We're having 6 Contests that start NOW where you can win a Nintendo Wii, an ipod nano, digital cameras, and lots of cool other stuff!

Go to and click on contests to see the rules!

Here are the categories:
1. Original Song (you write, perform it)
2. Video competition (let's see some great mini-movies!)
3. 2D Art (paintings, drawings)
4. 3D Art (sculptures)
5. written word (poetry, essays)
6. Youth Group Drama/Skit

We're having an art gallery at Soullift and if you send something in, it'll be in the gallery -or if it's really good you'll have the chance to perform your art in front of everyone at Soullift!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Prince Caspian - Reminder

This is just a reminder….Bring money tonight


This Friday night, May 16 we will go to see Prince Caspian. We will be going to AMC at Chesterfield Mall for the 7:35 showing. (location and time could change if it’s sold out)

Here’s the deal. If we wait to just show up to buy tickets, it will probably be sold out. SO bring $10 Wednesday night and I will order tickets that evening after services.

  • I will only have a ride from the building for those who get their tickets through me.
  • If you want to meet us there, you can buy your own tickets online and save 25 (make sure your parents are there to pick you up after the movie to pick you up – the group will have to leave immediately to get back to the building on time)
  • If you want to save $1.25, you can have your parents bring you and buy your ticket at the door (make sure your ride doesn’t leave until you have the ticket)

We leave the building Friday at 6 PM to go to the mall.  We should be back to the building by around 10:30 PM


Eat dinner before you come or plan on buying there.

Bring money for snacks.


Parents are welcomed and encouraged to come.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Harding Night at Busch Stadium

All…I wanted to pass this along from Mark Pruitt and Harding University.


I just wanted to remind you of the upcoming Harding Night between the Cardinals and the Houston Astros Thursday, May 29. Tickets are only $15 and include dinner at the ballpark (hot dogs, chips, sodas, and cookies) plus ticket to the game. Dinner begins at 5;15pm and the game starts at 7:15pm. The seats are located in Right Field in the Outfield Terrace Box, Sections 332, 333 and 334 (Level 3 of 4 levels).


Please encourage your youth groups and parents to come out for this event. Feel free to make an announcement in your classes or in your church bulletin. The deadline to order tickets is May 15, but I bet they will be gone by then. To order tickets, simply call me with a credit card number and the number of tickets you want. I will mail the tickets out one week before the game.


Mark Pruitt

Asst. Director of Admissions






Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Prince Caspian



Next Friday night, May 16 we will go to see Prince Caspian.  We will be going to AMC at Chesterfield Mall for the 7:35 showing. (location and time could change if it’s sold out)


Here’s the deal.  If we wait to just show up to buy tickets, it will probably be sold out.  SO  bring $10 Wednesday night and I will order tickets that evening after services.

  • I will only have a ride from the building for those who get their tickets through me.
  • If you want to meet us there, you can buy your own tickets online and save 25¢ (make sure your parents are there to pick you up after the movie to pick you up – the group will have to leave immediately to get back to the building on time)
  • If you want to save $1.25, you can have your parents bring you and buy your ticket at the door (make sure your ride doesn’t leave until you have the ticket)



We leave the building Friday at 6 PM to go to the mall.  We should be back to the building by around 10:30 PM


Eat dinner before you come or plan on buying there.

Bring money for snacks.


Parents are welcomed and encouraged to come.



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax