Thursday, May 24, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Vacation - and a couple of loose ends.

If you haven’t guessed by all the e-mails today, something’s up.  Our family is leaving on vacation tomorrow and I am trying to get things caught up J

We will miss being with you at the Park for Worship on Sunday but will be enjoying hanging out together as a family before summer activities take over.  We should return by next Saturday night, June 2 and be with you on Sunday the 3rd.

I will not have e-mail or internet access next week and will only be able to check voicemail occasionally.  Feel free to leave a voice mail if you need to and I will return it as soon as I can.

My cell phone is 636-549-4505.


·       I had intended to get a KUDOS page out this week but had a couple of parents say that awards night for their schools is next week so I will get that out when I get back.  It’s looking good so far and exciting to see all the great things our Lafayette teens are involved in…you can still send your kudos to and I’ll get it.

·       Get your camp applications in…some of the directors are beginning to panic with only 25 campers signed up, they know more are coming but don’t know how many more J So give them a break and go ahead and send it in.  Don’t forget if we have 33 lafayette teens and their friends who do not belong to a church go, then Wade will shave his head….ok I will too!

·       I am thrilled to see so many of our teens helping at KidsFest!!!  Way to go guys!

·       August 10th is a service project day…keep that afternoon open when planning your summers.

·       August 11th is Newsboys at Six Flags – I’ve got a few extra tickets if you don’t have a season pass and need one

·       SouLift is July 22 & 23 with the Cardinal/Cub game on the 24th – we will be registering for that soon so be thinking about your schedule for going and be ready to sign up quickly.

·       September 9 is the Ne-O-Tez volleyball fundraiser!

·       October 12-14 is Elevate (formerly known as Pinecrest)


Praying that you all have a great week and that God is glorified by the life you are living!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax 


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