Thursday, May 24, 2007

[TeenMinistry] Summer Interns

You may or may not be aware that Lafayette has 3 youth interns this summer.

In order to help promote leadership in our Teen Ministry and facilitate relationships, we have 3 of our own young people who have agreed to serve as part-time interns this summer.  Their primary purpose is to help foster relationships with our teens, especially those in Middle School.  They will be working on events and programs for Jr. and Sr. High.

Our interns are

·       Mandy Johnson – Lead Intern–

·       Amy Ellis – Senior Intern –

·       Charles Portwood – Junior Intern –

You can contact all 3 of them at once by sending an e-mail to

All of them are working on a part-time/volunteer basis but have committed to help as much as they can.  Mandy & Amy will be leading the Jr. High Girls class on Sunday morning and Charles will be leading the Jr. High Boys class.  Jeremiah and Anna Weaver have agreed to help with these classes.


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax 


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