Tuesday, May 15, 2007

[TeenMinistry] FW: Service


I need someone to step up to champion this event.  It's a great opportunity for our teens to serve.  Unfortunately, I am planning to be out of town the end of the week of this event.  I have tried a couple of parents individually, and there is a lot going on that week with the start of school.  So I am trying the blanket approach.  We need a response quickly so we can get it on the calendar if it's going to happen and so Helen can breathe easier J .  If you can help by taking the lead on this event, I will try to get you help and the tools and information you need to be successful.


Please see request below from Helen Totty.



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


-----Original Message-----
From: hgtotty [mailto:hgtotty@earthlink.net]
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2007 12:25 PM
To: Michael Brown
Subject: Service


Hi, Mike...I work at a local Community Service organization called Circle of

Concern.  They are basically a food pantry for Parkway, Valley Park, and

Rockwood School Districts.  They do a lot of wonderful things for poor



We are having a Back-to-School drive in August and I would like to know if

we could count on some of the teens helping out on Friday, August 10 from

noon 'til ?  We will need young people to help carry donated supplies from a

collection point to another room at Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church on Big

Bend.  I have suggested to my committee that we might be able to supply the

"back" labor.  Please let me know as soon as possible if we can provide some

help with this.  Thanks, helen totty


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