Friday, June 4, 2010

[EPIC] Memphis Workcamp

Hey Gang!  Hope you are well and getting excited for WorkCamp.

PLEASE BRING YOUR LADDER SUNDAY!!!!  See Tim and he will put it in the trailer for you!!!

A few things you need to know:

From the camp

  • DRESS modestly.  For daytime, long shorts and t-shirts are fine.  It will be hot and you will get paint on your clothes.  Girls: Pleas do not bring any revealing tank tops or short/cheerleader-type shorts.  Guys: Shirts are required - your t-shirts need to have sleeves.  Workers will have a chance to go home and change in the evenings, so bring casual clothes for the night sessions.
  • BRING: A Bible, a 4" paint brush, a ladder, a positive attitude.  Also sunglasses, hat, water bottle, sunscreen and work gloves are very helpful.

From ME:

  • We are leaving at 9 AM Monday morning (June 7)
  • YOU NEED A LADDER - only 1 person registered as not having one so I only have that one extra...EVERYONE NEEDS A LADDER
  • You need $ for food on the way there and back
    • Lunch on Monday is at Buffalo Wild Wings with Maryland Heights
    • Dinner - fast food in Memphis
    • Lunch on the way home is Lamberts
    • you may have a couple of opportunities to grab some ice cream or something
  • Bring a little money to buy a host gift (or bring something from home)
  • Some of you have a balance due.  Please bring that money to me by Sunday.
  • We will return by 6 PM on Saturday.
  • All the guys are staying in one home
  • The girls are staying in 2's - I am not sure of the combinations - they will tell you when we get there.

I hope you are looking forward to a great trip!

Because of the Cross,


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