Monday, June 7, 2010

[EPIC] Fwd: High Teen Outreach Opportunity

Dear Lafayette High Teens:
     The Lafayette Outreach Ministry would like to offer an outreach opportunity for one of you that is attending the high teen session at Camp Neotez.  We would like to sponsor a friend of one of our teens to attend Camp Neotez.  This is really short notice so we will need to act quickly to make it happen.  The high teen session at Neotez starts on Sunday afternoon.  There are still openings so we want to see who might have a friend that you want to invite.  If you have someone that you would like to nominate, please send a short paragraph about how you know the friend and why you would like to invite them.  We will select one and notify the teen to contact their friend.  Please send your nominations via email to and let's see if we can give one of your friends a great week of fellowship and bible study at Camp Neotez.  If you have any questions, give me a call on 636-458-4057. 
Yours in Christ,
Dan Roper

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