Wednesday, March 31, 2010

[TeenEPIC] Summer Intern - WELCOME TIM!!!

Welcome Tim Landuyt

This Summer we are excited to have Tim Landuyt as our Intern.  Tim is a St. Louis native and grew up at Maryland Heights.  You will probably recognize Tim from area-wide events and Camp Ne-O-Tez.  He has served as a camp counselor for Middle School week the past several years.
Tim is finishing his sophomore year at Harding University where he is studying Business Administration.  If you know Tim, he has a heart for ministry and for teens. He is excited about working with our teens here at Lafayette.
A few other interesting notes about Tim—He is an Eagle Scout, has received the President’s Volunteer Service Award, and is a member of Who’s Who Among America’s College Students (2009).  He is also an amateur chef!
Tim will begin working with us on May 12.  He will be teaching the Middle School class on Sunday mornings and leading various activities throughout the summer.  He will be with us through August 16.
You can find him on Facebook at  His email is and his cell phone number is 314.560.9536.

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