Thursday, March 4, 2010

[TeenEPIC] Harding Trip

What:  Harding Trip

Who: High school students

When:  Thursday, March 18 - leave @ 2 PM -Saturday, March 20 should return around 4 PM

Cost: Varies depending on how many go - $22 plus meals if 8 go, $25 plus meals if 7 go, and $30 if 6 go (we need at least 6 to make the trip and NO MORE than 8)

Bring: sleeping bag & pillow - you will be staying in the dorms - probably sleeping on the floor, couple changes of clothes, money for meals (Dinner  Friday night is on Harding) - if you know college students, they may have extra meals you can sponge.

Lodging:  You will be staying in dorms.  If you have a college student you want to stay with...SEE ME to work it out.

What to expect: 

·         DO NOT MAKE PLANS TO GO OFF CAMPUS WITH COLLEGE STUDENTS, we will do things as a group. 

·         You will have free time. 

·         Plan on meeting Mark Pruitt on Friday, going to chapel and a class or two (if you have a specific class you want to go to let me know when you sign up). 

·         Friday night there is usually something to do on campus...we will find out soon. 

·         You will NOT be allowed to go off campus without an adult. (me).

·         I will be staying off-campus.

·         We will leave Saturday morning around 9 AM

Chaperon:  minor need for a female chaperon...this could be a mom of a student going or a mom of a Harding student who is there you just want to hand-deliver cookies or just someone who wants to go.  Your transportation would be free but you would need to find lodging and pay for your meals.



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