Wednesday, March 31, 2010

[TeenEPIC] Summer Intern - WELCOME TIM!!!

Welcome Tim Landuyt

This Summer we are excited to have Tim Landuyt as our Intern.  Tim is a St. Louis native and grew up at Maryland Heights.  You will probably recognize Tim from area-wide events and Camp Ne-O-Tez.  He has served as a camp counselor for Middle School week the past several years.
Tim is finishing his sophomore year at Harding University where he is studying Business Administration.  If you know Tim, he has a heart for ministry and for teens. He is excited about working with our teens here at Lafayette.
A few other interesting notes about Tim—He is an Eagle Scout, has received the President’s Volunteer Service Award, and is a member of Who’s Who Among America’s College Students (2009).  He is also an amateur chef!
Tim will begin working with us on May 12.  He will be teaching the Middle School class on Sunday mornings and leading various activities throughout the summer.  He will be with us through August 16.
You can find him on Facebook at  His email is and his cell phone number is 314.560.9536.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

[TeenEPIC] LAST CALL - Middle School Retreat Info

MAKE sure you get your Middle School Retreat Info and $ in by THIS SUNDAY, MARCH 28

CLICK HERE for all the details.  Call me (636.549.8644) if you need to know anything else.


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


Sunday, March 14, 2010

[TeenEPIC] Middle School Retreat

The area-wide Middle School Retreat is coming up soon.  If you were at Youth Group on Wednesday night, you should have received a flyer - If not CLICK HERE to download one.  You MUST have this back to me by MARCH 28. 

If you need a ride to the Middle School  Retreat, sign up by clicking here.  The van will leave the Lafayette parking lot at 6 PM on Friday, April 9 and will return on Sunday, April 11 by 11:45 AM.  (eat dinner before you arrive on Friday).  Parents PLEASE sign up for EACH child that needs a ride.  A ride is only guaranteed for the first 13 middle schoolers signed up.  AFTER THAT - we will need parents to step in and help drive.  See for more details or to let Me know if you would be willing to drive.


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13




Friday, March 5, 2010

[TeenEPIC] LTC Practices -

All – below is an e-mail from Whitney about LTC practices…CLICK HERE and send a blank e-mail if you want to get the updates from her.


The following is a schedule of LTC practices for the next few Sundays:

12:00 – 12:45:  Drama/ Jr. Puppets

12:45 – 1:30:  Chorus


This schedule is tentatively for 3/7; 3/21; 3/28; 4/11.  There will be no drama or chorus practice on 3/14 or 4/4 because I will be out of town on these dates.  Dawn may, however, want to meet with the puppet groups.  Of course, we will still be practicing after 4/11, but the schedule may change depending upon what progress we have made.   Please plan for these dates and times and remember to bring your lunch so we can eat immediately after Bible classes.  Thank you so much for your commitment and dedication—you all are AWESOME!!!! 


For His Glory,


Thursday, March 4, 2010

[TeenEPIC] Harding Trip

What:  Harding Trip

Who: High school students

When:  Thursday, March 18 - leave @ 2 PM -Saturday, March 20 should return around 4 PM

Cost: Varies depending on how many go - $22 plus meals if 8 go, $25 plus meals if 7 go, and $30 if 6 go (we need at least 6 to make the trip and NO MORE than 8)

Bring: sleeping bag & pillow - you will be staying in the dorms - probably sleeping on the floor, couple changes of clothes, money for meals (Dinner  Friday night is on Harding) - if you know college students, they may have extra meals you can sponge.

Lodging:  You will be staying in dorms.  If you have a college student you want to stay with...SEE ME to work it out.

What to expect: 

·         DO NOT MAKE PLANS TO GO OFF CAMPUS WITH COLLEGE STUDENTS, we will do things as a group. 

·         You will have free time. 

·         Plan on meeting Mark Pruitt on Friday, going to chapel and a class or two (if you have a specific class you want to go to let me know when you sign up). 

·         Friday night there is usually something to do on campus...we will find out soon. 

·         You will NOT be allowed to go off campus without an adult. (me).

·         I will be staying off-campus.

·         We will leave Saturday morning around 9 AM

Chaperon:  minor need for a female chaperon...this could be a mom of a student going or a mom of a Harding student who is there you just want to hand-deliver cookies or just someone who wants to go.  Your transportation would be free but you would need to find lodging and pay for your meals.