Wednesday, August 18, 2010

[EPIC] Back in the swing of things!

Hey gang!

I hope your first days back in the classroom are going well!

While I love summer and all it has to offer, there is something to be said for routine!  As you begin a new routine, NOW is the time to make growing spiritually a part of that new routine.  Each Wednesday evening TeenEPIC Youth Group meets at 7 PM for a time to be in God’s Word and to encourage each other. 

Of all the events that we do, our Wednesday night Youth Group time is THE MOST VITAL in connecting you to the youth group and helping you grow spiritually.  If you are not here on Wednesday Nights, it’s like signing up to play basketball but telling the coach you can’t come to practice.  You’re just not going to feel like you’re part of the team!  It’s a great place for YOU and a great place to bring your friends!

Before you commit to all the other groups and events that school has to offer, commit yourself to taking just one hour each week to come and be encouraged to grow in Christ and in relationship with other teens.  The EPIC story that God is writing can include you as a main character. 

Tonight we will be talking about how God has to chisel away at the worldly things in our lives in order to make us more into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ!

See you at 7!

Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

[EPIC] End of Summer Swim Party & Goodbye to Tim!

THIS SUNDAY we will be going to the Lallathins for an End of Summer Swim Party where we will also say “Goodbye” to Tim our awesome intern! (BTW it’s also Abbey’s 13th birthday!!!)

READ info below the CLICK HERE to sign up!!!  Make sure you sign up ASAP!!!


·         $3 to help with the cost of food and drinks.

·         YOUR OWN TOWEL!

·         “Youth Group Approved” swimsuit – (guys – long trunks, girls – no 2-piece/Tankini or T-shirt OK)

·         Change of clothes

We will be at the Lallathins from 3:30-7:30 PM

You can meet us at the Lallathins at 3:30 – CLICK HERE for directions


You can meet us at the building by 2:45 PM.  We will return by 8:15 PM


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

[EPIC] Circle of Concern

Hey guys - we need your help at Circle of Concern next Thursday, August 5 - go to to get more info and to sign up!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

[EPIC] SoulLift! Final Detail Reminder

Hey gang!

Just a  reminder about some SoulLift details:



SUNDAY -  Leave after AM classes (bring a sack lunch) - We leave for the youth rally after we eat

Make sure you either order a dinner (see Mike BEFORE class if you want a dinner) or bring a sack dinner—WE WILL NOT BE GOING OUT TO EAT!!! 

The vans should return by 10 PM. (PARENTS - our chaperones will be with your teens all day and need to get up for work on Monday...we make every effort to return within a few minutes of the posted times - PLEASE arrive by 10 PM unless you hear from us)


MONDAY—limited transportation to Six Flags (we still have room).  Tim will driving the church van (capacity of 14) .  Leave at 9 AM—Return by 9:30 PM.



Youth Rally (Sunday)

SoulLift Youth Rally - $20 walk up

T-Shirts - $14 if you didn't pre-pay

Meal @ Youth Rally - $7 (Pork Steak, Breaded Chicken, Cheeseburger, Hotdog) there are still a few left, see Mike BEFORE class on Sunday.


Six Flags (Monday)

Ticket - $24

Catered Meal $11 (can also bring $ for regular park food) - a few of these are left.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

[EPIC] Sr. High Float Trip - Last Call!!!

OK Gang!  Last call for float trip sign up!!!  We need you to sign up by SUNDAY!  If you can pay by Sunday, that would be good too!!! J



WHAT:  Sr High Float Trip

WHEN:  August 1-2

WHERE: Camp Neotez / Big River

WHO:  Incoming Freshmen and Up

COST: $35 + $ for snack/fastfood on the way home.

INCLUDES:  Float, dinner Sunday Night, continental breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, camp cost and transportation

LIMITS:  ~20 depending on available transportation (first to sign up and pay) 

DETAILS:  Sunday, August 1 we will meet at the building at 3:30 PM.  We will go to Camp Neotez and have a campfire dinner.  We will sleep in on Monday morning, have a continental (i.e. granola and cereal bars) breakfast and float!  We will eat fast food on our way home.  We should return by 5 PM.  WE WILL NOT BE USING THE SHOWERS AT CAMP!!!



Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Thursday, July 15, 2010

[EPIC] Ben

We would like to update you on Ben's condition. His lung is continuing to improve, but there is still a small spot that needs to heal. We are hopeful that he will be taken off suction sometime on Friday (dependent on his x-ray Friday morning). If he continues to heal well, we hope he will be released sometime this weekend. We appreciate all the prayers that have been offered on his behalf.
Jim and Felicia Smith

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

[EPIC] Fun Day at Queeny Park

This invite goes out to the middle schoolers and high schoolers. Thursday, July 15th, we are going to Queeny Park to hangout and have fun! We will meet at the building at 10am and end around 2pm. Bring a sack lunch and water bottle. 

I only have room in the church van for 14 kids and preference is going to the middle schoolers, SO if you are a high schooler and can drive (ask your parents if it's ok!) please let me know!!

As of now it's who ever signs up first gets to go. If you need any more information or have a parent who is willing to drive please call me (Tim) at 314-560-9536.

                                                                           --Click Here to Sign Up--
Because of the Cross,
Tim Landuyt, Youth Intern
EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the
Lafayette Church of Christ
115 New Ballwin Road
Ballwin, MO 63021
cell: 314-560-9536

Sunday, July 11, 2010

[EPIC] Ben Smith

Please pray for Ben Smith and his family (Jim, Felicia and Audrey).  Ben went to the hospital today with a collapsed lung.  He is going into surgery tonight (7/11 @ 8 PM).


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


[EPIC] Sr. High Float Trip

WHAT:  Sr High Float Trip

WHEN:  August 1-2

WHERE: Camp Neotez / Big River

WHO:  Incoming Freshmen and Up

COST: $35 + $ for snack/fastfood on the way home.

INCLUDES:  Float, dinner Sunday Night, continental breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, camp cost and transportation

LIMITS:  ~25 depending on available transportation (first to sign up and pay)

NEEDS:  Female Chaperone


DETAILS:  Sunday, August 1 we will meet at the building at 3:30 PM.  We will go to Camp Neotez and have a campfire dinner.  We will sleep in on Monday morning, have a continental (i.e. granola and cereal bars) breakfast and float!  We will eat fast food on our way home.  We should return by 5 PM.  WE WILL NOT BE USING THE SHOWERS AT CAMP!!!


CLICK HERE to SIGNUP!!! by July 26

Saturday, July 10, 2010

[EPIC] SoulLift

I had someone say they couldn't follow the link to the webpage to get SoulLift Information.  You can try going directly to the website - and clicking on Soullift.


Here is the SoulLift Info:


July 25 -  Leave after AM classes (bring a sack lunch) - We leave for the youth rally after we eat

Make sure you either order a dinner or bring a sack dinner—WE WILL NOT BE GOING OUT TO EAT!!! 

The vans should return by 10 PM.


July 26—limited transportation to Six Flags.  Tim will driving the church van (capacity of 14) .  Leave at 9 AM—Return by 9:30 PM.



Youth Rally (Sunday)

SoulLift Youth Rally - $15 ($20 after Wednesday, July 14)

T-Shirts - $10 ($14 after Wednesday, July 14)

Meal @ Youth Rally - $7 (Pork Steak, Breaded Chicken, Cheeseburger, Hotdog) - not available after Wednesday, July 14)

Six Flags (Monday)

Ticket - $24

Catered Meal $11 (can also bring $ for regular park food) - must pre-order by 7/14





Can I drive?  Not without special permission from your parents


I don’t know if I can go, can I pay at the door?  Yes, if there is transportation available, but the admission is $20 and t-shirsts are $14—you will also have to bring your own sack dinner—it will be too late to order dinner and we are not going out to eat.




Other questions call Tim at 314.560.9536 or email at





To sign up you can go directly to:  




Friday, July 9, 2010

[EPIC] SoulLift

Just a reminder – if you haven’t already done so, please sign up for SoulLift ASAP!


Please Pay Tim or Mike on Sunday or Wednesday.


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

[EPIC] SoulLift

CLICK HERE for info about SoulLift.

You need to sign up by Wednesday, July 14!!!


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

[EPIC] Movie Event for High School Teens and Incoming Freshmen

Hey High School Teens and Incoming Freshmen!!

  We are going to see Karate Kid this Friday morning. Bring $5.25 for the ticket plus lunch money. Meet at the church building at 9am and feel free to bring a friend.

 Be sure to use the following link to sign up you and any friends you might be bringing! -----CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP------

Because of the Cross,
Tim Landuyt, Youth Intern

EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the
Lafayette Church of Christ
115 New Ballwin Road
Ballwin, MO 63021
cell: 314-560-9536

[EPIC] Won by One Concert

We sent the sign up link for this event yesterday – We want to try using our youth group software for signing up – so if you plan on going to the  Won by One Concert CLICK HERE– to sign up.  It’s pretty easy but if you need help figuring it out, call me at 636-549-8644


Hey gang!

Next Wednesday, July 7, we will be going to a Won by One concert (a cappella group from Pepperdine) at McKnight Road.  (YES – this is after a long day at Kidsfest)

We will leave the building NO LATER than 5:15 and should return by 9 PM.  You will need to bring $ for eating at CiCi’s Pizza (all you can eat buffet) for dinner.


CLICK HERE to sign up by MONDAY, JULY 5!!!!



Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

[EPIC] Won by One Concert

Hey gang!

Next Wednesday, July 7, we will be going to a Won by One concert (a cappella group from Pepperdine) at McKnight Road.  (YES – this is after a long day at Kidsfest)

We will leave the building NO LATER than 5:15 and should return by 9 PM.  You will need to bring $ for eating at CiCi’s Pizza (all you can eat buffet) for dinner.

CLICK HERE to sign up by MONDAY, JULY 5!!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

[EPIC] Wednesday Night Youth Group

Just a reminder. Wednesday night youth group will meet in the
auditorium with the adults tonight.

We are having a great week at camp!

Sent from my iPhone

TeenMinistry mailing list

Monday, June 7, 2010

[EPIC] Fwd: High Teen Outreach Opportunity

Dear Lafayette High Teens:
     The Lafayette Outreach Ministry would like to offer an outreach opportunity for one of you that is attending the high teen session at Camp Neotez.  We would like to sponsor a friend of one of our teens to attend Camp Neotez.  This is really short notice so we will need to act quickly to make it happen.  The high teen session at Neotez starts on Sunday afternoon.  There are still openings so we want to see who might have a friend that you want to invite.  If you have someone that you would like to nominate, please send a short paragraph about how you know the friend and why you would like to invite them.  We will select one and notify the teen to contact their friend.  Please send your nominations via email to and let's see if we can give one of your friends a great week of fellowship and bible study at Camp Neotez.  If you have any questions, give me a call on 636-458-4057. 
Yours in Christ,
Dan Roper

Friday, June 4, 2010

[EPIC] Memphis Workcamp

Hey Gang!  Hope you are well and getting excited for WorkCamp.

PLEASE BRING YOUR LADDER SUNDAY!!!!  See Tim and he will put it in the trailer for you!!!

A few things you need to know:

From the camp

  • DRESS modestly.  For daytime, long shorts and t-shirts are fine.  It will be hot and you will get paint on your clothes.  Girls: Pleas do not bring any revealing tank tops or short/cheerleader-type shorts.  Guys: Shirts are required - your t-shirts need to have sleeves.  Workers will have a chance to go home and change in the evenings, so bring casual clothes for the night sessions.
  • BRING: A Bible, a 4" paint brush, a ladder, a positive attitude.  Also sunglasses, hat, water bottle, sunscreen and work gloves are very helpful.

From ME:

  • We are leaving at 9 AM Monday morning (June 7)
  • YOU NEED A LADDER - only 1 person registered as not having one so I only have that one extra...EVERYONE NEEDS A LADDER
  • You need $ for food on the way there and back
    • Lunch on Monday is at Buffalo Wild Wings with Maryland Heights
    • Dinner - fast food in Memphis
    • Lunch on the way home is Lamberts
    • you may have a couple of opportunities to grab some ice cream or something
  • Bring a little money to buy a host gift (or bring something from home)
  • Some of you have a balance due.  Please bring that money to me by Sunday.
  • We will return by 6 PM on Saturday.
  • All the guys are staying in one home
  • The girls are staying in 2's - I am not sure of the combinations - they will tell you when we get there.

I hope you are looking forward to a great trip!

Because of the Cross,


Thursday, May 27, 2010

[EPIC] Database

IF YOU CAN DO THIS RIGHT NOW – you won’t forget it and it will really help us out!

Our group is growing and we need a better way to keep track of all the new friends (and old ones) that we have.  Therefore we are trying a new database that is interactive with you.  We will use this to sign up for events and keep better attendance as well as financial records.  It will save us A LOT of time getting started if you all will help populate the database. 

Each person, including parents, can have their own individual account. We especially need our volunteer parents to register. (A few of the teens did this Wednesday Night so you don’t have to do it again)

PLEASE REGISTER BY  CLICKING HERE and filling out as much information as you can.  Don’t worry about making mistakes or leaving it blank, we can always get back in to change it later.

In the near future, you will be able to sign up AND PAY online for events. And if you forgot that you have another event, you can log on and cancel as well.  (we can do it the old fashioned way too if you just don’t like the new stuff). 



·        You are a Teen (visitors, members, anyone)

·        You are an adult worker (help teach, chaperone events) OR WANT TO BE AN ADULT WORKER


·        When you CLICK HERE you will be taken into a Log-in Page

·        On the right side it will say “Sign up”

·        You can put your cell # or email address in.

·        If it doesn’t recognize it (which it probably won’t) it will send you to a CREATE NEW ACCOUNT screen

·        After you fill out the initial screen and are verified (with either a text or email) you will be taken to a screen where you give us as much information as possible.

o   CLICK HERE for more information on their privacy policy

·        Give us as much information as possible – if something doesn’t make sense – leave it blank.

·        Pick a username and password you won’t forget

·        BE PATIENT – There a lot of settings on the administrator side.  If one setting is off, it could throw something off on your side.  It’s very difficult for us to cover every scenario so at some point we have to just go live and fix it as we go.  Send Mike an email at if you are having problems.


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Wednesday, May 26, 2010

[EPIC] Sr High - School's Out

Sr. High (including incoming Freshmen)
Tomorrow night (Thursday, May 27).  We will hang out at the building, eat pizza, watch movies.  (we will meet in the BIG ROOM)

Bring:  $5 (for pizza and drinks)
Time:  6 PM-9:30 PM

go to -  to let us know you're coming!

[EPIC] TeenEPIC - Youth Group

Tonight we will be discussing the video we saw last week.  Gospel Journey – Maui.  “What is the Purpose of Life”  so often we miss our purpose because the world is distracting.  Come and be challenged to examine your intended purpose and see if that measures up to what you are spending your time doing.

We will meet in the BIG ROOM again!


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Monday, May 24, 2010

[EPIC] Memphis WorkCamp Workers

Attention All Memphis WorkCamp Workers:

Remember to bring these items:
  • A Bible
  • 4" Paint Brush
  • A Ladder
  • Work gloves
  • Sunscreen
  • Sleeping bag, pillow and other personal items for a weeks stay at a host family's house
Optional Items:
  • Hat
  • Sunglasses
  • Water Bottle
Also remember that we are representing Christ and that we need to dress modestly! T-shirts are required by both genders and appropriate shorts. NO tank tops or spaghetti straps. 
We will be painting during the day so be sure to bring clothes you don't mind getting dirty. You will also want to bring casual clothes for our evening sessions.

I hope you guys are getting as excited as I am for this years WorkCamp!! Study hard for those finals and have a great start to your summer!

Because of the Cross,
Tim Landuyt, Youth Intern

EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the
Lafayette Church of Christ
115 New Ballwin Road
Ballwin, MO 63021
cell: 314-560-9536

Thursday, May 20, 2010

[EPIC] Harding Night at Busch Stadium

Harding University is inviting all youth groups (and their families) to come and watch the Cardinals play against the Arizona Diamondbacks on Monday, June 28. We will be meeting at the building at 5:30pm to head down to Busch Stadium. The cost for this event is $14 per ticket. Tickets are limited so it's on a first come first served basis. Confirmation and money are due by Sunday, June 13th. Harding is also putting on an informational dinner before the game at Florissant Church of Christ. If you would like to attend the dinner you will have to purchase your tickets on your own. We will NOT be attending the dinner. To get more information about the dinner or to purchase tickets to go to the dinner contact Mark Pruitt at 800-477-4407 or

Because of the Cross,
Tim Landuyt, Youth Intern

EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the
Lafayette Church of Christ
115 New Ballwin Road
Ballwin, MO 63021
cell: 314-560-9536

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Middle School – Dave just passed along the forms and I wanted to get them to you as soon as possible.

The forms for DISCIPLE (formerly known as JHDD) are finally here.  CLICK HERE to download.

PLEASE NOTE:  As a group, we will not be attending the July 6 DISCIPLE since we will be helping with KIDSFEST.  Please take this into account when registering.

TRANSPORTATION:  Due to conflicting schedules, the following transportation information may be beneficial for you.

·        June 8 – Our group and van will be at Memphis Workcamp.  Parents will have to provide transportation to Maryland Heights AND be available to drive for the service project. (this could be done by carpool)

·        June 15 – Mike and/or Tim will transport and chaperone

·        June 29 – Mike and/or Tim will transport and chaperone

·        July 6 – LAFAYETTE TEENS will not be participating due to KIDSFEST

·        July 20 – Mike and/or Tim will transport and chaperone

·        July 29 & 30 – Tim or Mike and at least one female chaperone will accompany the teens on the float trip.  If there are girls who participate in DISCIPLE and we do not have a female chaperone, there is a possibility the girls will not be able to attend.



Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Thursday, May 13, 2010

[EPIC] Jr. High Bowling

If you have trouble viewing or submitting this form, you can fill it out online:

Jr. High Bowling

Hey Jr. High - we're going bowling this Sunday, May 16! We will head to West County Lanes at 12:30. The cost is $10 and includes 2 hours of bowling, shoes and a soda. We will be back at the Lafayette building by 3:15 (or your parents can pick you up there at 3). Bring extra $ if you want snacks or more than 1 soda.

Monday, May 10, 2010

[EPIC] SENIORS & PARENTS - We still need Senior Information

We don’t want to leave anyone out – Please sign up and send your pictures ASAP!

On Sunday, June 6, 2010, we will be honoring our high school students who are graduating this year. If you are graduating or have a family member who is graduating this year, please CLICK HERE and fill out the information so we can recognize the graduate and present them with a gift during the service.

ALSO PLEASE CLICK HERE and send us photos for your graduate (baby and childhood pics are encouraged J - and we DEFINITELY need a graduation picture!!! )  WE NEED THESE PICTURES BY MAY 9!!! (10-15 photos would be good for the video - if you can shrink them down before you send them that would be great!)



Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

[EPIC] Wednesday Night Changes

We have a change of plans for tomorrow night.  Instead of going to the nursing home, we will have a short devotional and those who are participating in LTC will present their programs.  They need a “live” audience to practice in front of.  Please plan on coming and helping to encourage your peers as they prepare to perform in Indianapolis this weekend.


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338


Thursday, April 29, 2010


This Sunday is the last chance for you (8th grade and up) to sign up for the Memphis Workcamp Mission Trip. (June 7-12)

CLICK HERE for details!!!


Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338



On Sunday, June 6, 2010, we will be honoring our high school students who are graduating this year. If you are graduating or have a family member who is graduating this year, please CLICK HERE and fill out the information so we can recognize the graduate and present them with a gift during the service.

ALSO PLEASE CLICK HERE and send us photos for your graduate (baby and childhood pics are encouraged J - and we DEFINITELY need a graduation picture!!! )  WE NEED THESE PICTURES BY MAY 9!!! (10-15 photos would be good for the video - if you can shrink them down before you send them that would be great!)



Because of the Cross,

Mike Brown, Youth  Minister


EPIC Youth Ministry a ministry of the

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Road

Ballwin, MO 63021


c - 636.549.8644 (local)

c - 317.796.8720 (direct)

o - 636.391.6697x13

f - 636.394.2338