Wednesday, September 30, 2009

[TeenMinistry] TeenEPIC Hayride

TeenEPIC Hayride



3 PM-7 PM


TeenEPIC will host a Hayride/Cookout for Middle School and High Schoolers at the Simmon's on November 1, 2009.  Meet at the Simmons at or after 3 PM.  We will roast hotdogs, eat s'mores, have games, a devotional and have a very relaxed ride in a hay wagon. ;)  We should finish out by 7 PM.

This is a great event to bring your friends to!  Make sure to sign up and have them sign up! IF YOU SIGN UP or sign your friends up-PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CAN SHOW UP!!!

If you are not a TeenEPIC member, we would love to have you!  Sign up, print out the Info & Medical Form below and bring it with you!

CLICK HERE - to Sign UP!!!!

CLICK HERE for a map to the Simmon's House.

IF TRANSPORTATION IS A PROBLEM – please let me know ASAP and I will try to find you a ride!  CLICK HERE to send me an e-mail


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