Monday, October 27, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Teen House - EPICenter

David Waters, John Haustein, Doug Caton, Terry Smith and many others have been working diligently to get the Teen House done.  Many of our teens have been involved in the process along the way as well. 


Many of you have asked, “How can I help?”  We are at a new phase now.  The floor is done, drywall is up and most of the plumbing and electrical work is done.  Our biggest need in the next week or so is help with sanding and mudding the new walls if you would like to help with this please show up Saturday at 8 AM for a few hours.  We have block sanders, mud and straight edges for you to use.  If you have your own tools, feel free to bring them.  If you can’t come on Saturday morning, but would like to help in the evenings or sometime during the week, please contact me and I will make sure you can get in!


In addition to inside work this Saturday, Bill Hirth is taking down a dead tree in the front yard and, I am sure, could use some help! 

Dennis Enix has agreed to take the lead in expanding the deck on the back – if you want to get out and do some nail pounding please contact Dennis for a time when he will be working on this project. 


Upcoming projects will include: priming the walls, painting, trimming out around windows and doors.  All these need to be done in stages and depend on the previous stage being done so we will send notes like this out when we need help.


All of our labor so far has been 100% donated!  We can’t thank those guys and gals enough!


Many of you have contributed financially either directly or through fundraisers – this is vital for us to keep the project on track and we thank you for your help.  I assure you our guys working directly on the project are huge bargain hunters, even to the extent of going dumpster diving at local stores as well as buying and donating the very materials they need and use!  If you would like to make a financial donation to help buy materials please give or send your check directly to me.  It can be made out to “Lafayette Church” or “Lafayette Teen Ministry” and note Teen House in memo.  This is a tax deductible donation.


Thank you to everyone who is supporting this project…we sincerely appreciate your involvement!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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