Monday, October 6, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Revolve Tour


We still have 1 early-bird ticket left for $62 (includes box lunch at the event)- e-mail me back immediately if you’re interested.   If there is enough interest, we will make a 2nd order by this weekend (for $72).  So contact me or Dawn Malcolm ASAP if you are interested!!!


If you paid the $25 deposit, we need to get the $37 balance from you ASAP.


We will be taking a small collection to help with gas for the van and snacks.


Original Announcement:

The Revolve Tour is coming back to St. Louis October 17-18.  The total cost for the early-bird discount including a boxed lunch is $62.  If you are interested in the early-bird discount bring a $25 deposit to Wednesday night classes or bring it by the office by Thursday morning (August 21) – we will order tickets Thursday afternoon.  You are guaranteed better seats if you sign up early.  We need at least 10 people to get the discount rate.

The general schedule is the same as last year: (Times will be finalized later)

            Friday Night -  Leave about 5 PM

                        Spend the night in the Teen Room

            Saturday – Back to the building around 5 PM..


You can go to for the line-up and other questions about Revolve Tour.


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