Thursday, October 30, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Thanksgiving Help - Circle of Concern

Please see the note below.  Kathy Crown is trying to put together a group of teens to go help on November 22.  Beginning at 8 AM.  There will be a sign-up list on the Teen Room Door.


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax




Circle of Concern Thanksgiving Food Collection


 Circle of Concern is a community charity that feeds the hungry and provides long-term and emergency assistance to families living in western St. Louis County. These are families that live in this area and have children who attend schools in the Parkway, Rockwood and Valley Park school districts. Circle of Concern’s food pantry fed 1,339 people in September 2008 an increase of 27% from September of 2007. The children and teens are collecting food until Wednesday, November 19 for Circle’s Thanksgiving food baskets and we would like to take a group of teens and adults on Saturday, November 22 to help distribute the food baskets to needy families. The baskets are distributed from St. John’s UCC, 15370 Olive in Chesterfield. They are looking for volunteers (8th grade and older only) between 8:15 and 2 p.m. on the 22nd. Contact Kathy Crown if you would like to serve the needs of area families on the 22nd by helping with the food distribution.


Circle needs donations of canned yams, cranberry sauce and other Thanksgiving staples as well as donations of caned goods and other non-perishable foods such as cereal, cake mixes, macaroni and cheese dinners and similar basic items. Please place donations in the box in the foyer.


[TeenMinistry] Lock-IN

* November 14*

Van will leave at 7:30 PM Friday Night
Van will return on Saturday at 8:30 AM
Cost:  $20

At McKnight Road
Games *  Food  * Fun * Bowling

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Elevate - Final Details

Elevate this weekend – looks like GREAT weather!!!

As I mentioned in an earlier e-mail, I am co-directing Elevate and have to be there early to help set up.  Daryl Simmons will be driving the church van down.  Meet at the building at 6:30 PM, eat dinner before you arrive.  We should return to the building by 1:00 PM on Sunday – bring $$ for fast-food lunch on the way back.


IF YOU’RE PLAYING PAINTBALL – bring an extra $2, there was a misprint the actual cost is $12.  Also if you are playing on Daryl’s team, wear white or bright orange – if you are playing my team wear Camos – that way we can tell the teams apart ;-)



  • Bible
  • Notebook
  • Pen/pencil
  • Sleeping bag
  • Pillow
  • Small games, football, etc
  • Weather appropriate clothing (check the temperatures)
  • Towel
  • Wash cloth
  • Toiletries
  • Flashlight



I-pod, electronics (phone OK leave off during camp in van or suitcase), anything illegal, your own paint ball equipment (they provide)




§         Meet at LC at 6:30  (eat before you arrive)

§         Bring your stuff

§         Have fun

§         Bring $2 if you’ve already paid for paintball

§         Have more fun

§         Bring money for lunch on the way home

§         Return to LC by 1:00 PM on Sunday







Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Taco Bell / Wednesday Night / Special Announcement

Teens (and parents or anyone) head to Taco Bell tomorrow night before class…hope to see you there!


Class tomorrow night is Romans 7 – glad we’re done with being “scum”, God saved us by grace through faith in Christ Jesus, now let’s live like it!!! (that’s the summary of what we’ve talked about)


Special announcement tomorrow at the end of class – hint you’ll want to mark November 14 on your calendar





Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Monday, October 27, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Deck Building

Here are some details from Dennis about Deck Building this Saturday.


Weather permitting, we will start on Sat morning at 8:00 or whenever folks show up.


It may take several weekends.


Please bring tools if you have them especially drill with wood bits, Hammer,etc


If anyone has a nail gun that would be great also


Parents (and others), let’s not leave these guys who step up to lead a project hanging.  Donating a couple hours can make a big difference.  Please jump in on some of these projects if you can. 




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Teen House - EPICenter

David Waters, John Haustein, Doug Caton, Terry Smith and many others have been working diligently to get the Teen House done.  Many of our teens have been involved in the process along the way as well. 


Many of you have asked, “How can I help?”  We are at a new phase now.  The floor is done, drywall is up and most of the plumbing and electrical work is done.  Our biggest need in the next week or so is help with sanding and mudding the new walls if you would like to help with this please show up Saturday at 8 AM for a few hours.  We have block sanders, mud and straight edges for you to use.  If you have your own tools, feel free to bring them.  If you can’t come on Saturday morning, but would like to help in the evenings or sometime during the week, please contact me and I will make sure you can get in!


In addition to inside work this Saturday, Bill Hirth is taking down a dead tree in the front yard and, I am sure, could use some help! 

Dennis Enix has agreed to take the lead in expanding the deck on the back – if you want to get out and do some nail pounding please contact Dennis for a time when he will be working on this project. 


Upcoming projects will include: priming the walls, painting, trimming out around windows and doors.  All these need to be done in stages and depend on the previous stage being done so we will send notes like this out when we need help.


All of our labor so far has been 100% donated!  We can’t thank those guys and gals enough!


Many of you have contributed financially either directly or through fundraisers – this is vital for us to keep the project on track and we thank you for your help.  I assure you our guys working directly on the project are huge bargain hunters, even to the extent of going dumpster diving at local stores as well as buying and donating the very materials they need and use!  If you would like to make a financial donation to help buy materials please give or send your check directly to me.  It can be made out to “Lafayette Church” or “Lafayette Teen Ministry” and note Teen House in memo.  This is a tax deductible donation.


Thank you to everyone who is supporting this project…we sincerely appreciate your involvement!



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Revolve Tour Details


Revolve Tour is this weekend.  Here are some details:


§         Meet at the building 5 PM Friday

§         Bring sleeping bag, overnight stuff

§         Be back to the building 4 PM Saturday

§         Bring money for souvenirs and snacks

§         You paid for your lunch already.


Here’s a note from Dawn Malcolm:

Revolve starts at 7:00 pm on Friday with the doors opening at 6:00, I believe.  If the girls want to come to the church building about 5:00 pm, we can go from there.  If they all would bring a sleeping bag, PJ's ect. we can put it in the van and then go back to our house for the night.  We will probably need to leave about 7:45 in the morning and be back to the church building by about 4:00 pm.  Last year the event was over at 3:00 and the last hour was just shopping, autographs ect.  I am assuming it may be the same again this year.  This is being held at the Chaifetz arena. 

The girls will need money for any souvenirs or snacks.  They can look at to see what souvenirs will be on sale and prices.



I hope you have a great time!!!  Thanks to Dawn and putting this together!  Thanks to Dawn and Lee Ann for giving up their Friday night and Saturday to with our girls!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Monday, October 6, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Elevate

This Sunday is the deadline for the early-bird rate for Elevate -  It’s also our deadline to guarantee a ride. If you’re going, get your form and $$ in by this Sunday!!!


If you need financial assistance, please let me know!


Here’s who we have “officially” going at this point:







































ELEVATE is coming up!  October 31- November 2

Since I’m a co-director – I will have to be at the camp early -  I may need a parent or two with a van to drive some down and come get some on Sunday.  Because of space limitations, we cannot stack our group with chaperones.  If you would be willing to drive your van and take us down there on Friday night OR come get us on Sunday, please let me know.  I may not need to use you but I’ve got to know what our capacity is – we already have 9 going.  THIS IS A GREAT PROBLEM TO HAVE BUT TRANSPORTATOIN MAY BE AN ISSUE – IF WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH WE MAY HAVE TO TURN KIDS AWAY!!!



Friday, Oct 31

            Leave LC at  6 PM

Sunday, Nov 2

            Return to LC by 1 PM



o       $3 to help with gas for the van

o       your sleeping bag

o       pillow

o       bible

o       notebook

o       pen

o       changes of clothes (could get cold – cabins are heated)

o       toiletries

o       towel

o       wash cloth


o       anything illegal (you will be sent home)

o       fireworks (you will most likely be sent home)

o       iPod or other electronics (they will be confiscated) - (cell phone is fine, but leave in the van).


Friends are welcome to come!


Attached is the registration form.  Numbers are limited so get them back to me ASAP!  It’s first register and pay/first go.   If you can’t do all the $ right now, give me half now and half later.  We just need to get these registration forms in so you have a spot.  If you can’t afford it at all, please see me, I will find a sponsor for you!!!  PLEASE NOTE – after OCTOBER 12 – the price goes up by $10!!!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Revolve Tour


We still have 1 early-bird ticket left for $62 (includes box lunch at the event)- e-mail me back immediately if you’re interested.   If there is enough interest, we will make a 2nd order by this weekend (for $72).  So contact me or Dawn Malcolm ASAP if you are interested!!!


If you paid the $25 deposit, we need to get the $37 balance from you ASAP.


We will be taking a small collection to help with gas for the van and snacks.


Original Announcement:

The Revolve Tour is coming back to St. Louis October 17-18.  The total cost for the early-bird discount including a boxed lunch is $62.  If you are interested in the early-bird discount bring a $25 deposit to Wednesday night classes or bring it by the office by Thursday morning (August 21) – we will order tickets Thursday afternoon.  You are guaranteed better seats if you sign up early.  We need at least 10 people to get the discount rate.

The general schedule is the same as last year: (Times will be finalized later)

            Friday Night -  Leave about 5 PM

                        Spend the night in the Teen Room

            Saturday – Back to the building around 5 PM..


You can go to for the line-up and other questions about Revolve Tour.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

[TeenMinistry] LTC - Leadership Training For Christ


Leadership Training for Christ

There will be an informational meeting for all students, grades 3-12 and their parents interested in participating in LTC this year. 

Date:  Sunday, October 19, 2008

Time:  11-30-12:00

Place:  Fellowship hall

Plan on being a part of the “Light-Life-Word” 



If you would like to get e-mail information concerning our Lafayette LTC plans please send a bland e-mail to  

[TeenMinistry] Sr. Hight Sexual Integrity Classes

Ladies – last week we talked about how God made us male and female and what that really means.  If you haven’t already done so, you need to read up through chapter 4 of Every Young  Woman’s Battle and we’re going to be discussing what Sexual Integrity really means.


Gentlemen – last week we talked more about how difficult our culture makes it for us to keep our thoughts sexually pure.  We had a great time of sharing and encouraging each other including setting up our Teen Guys Covenant Group.  You should read through Chapter 6 EYMB – it’s important to not fall behind in your reading.  We will begin planning on you guys to have the last 15 minutes of class for your covenant time – make sure you’re getting over to Wade’s office as soon as you can after AM worship.


PARENTS  – below is a link to a Family Life Today program.  They are discussing Sexual Integrity right now.  Yesterday and today’s programs are linked already and Day 3 will go live tomorrow.  As Christians we face a culture that desensitizes us in many ways but just how far – it may be farther than you think!

DADS – this is a great way to get a condensed version of some of the things we are talking about!

MOMS – this will give you an overview of what your sons are facing in our culture – this is a great resource for MOMS OF DAUGHTERS as well!!!


Click here



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax