Saturday, March 8, 2008

[TeenMinistry] The Passion of the Christ

Next Sunday night the youth group is invited to the Hirth’s House for a viewing of “The Passion of the Christ”.  We will meet there (click here for map) at 5:30 PM.  Eat dinner before you come.  We will watch the movie and have a time of worship and communion together.  We will be done by 8:30 PM.  (if you want to come and need a ride, let me know and I can arrange a ride for you – or we can bring the church van if there is enough).  This is not the typical youth group gathering – there will not be munchies or sodas.


PLEASE NOTE:  “The Passion of the Christ” is Rated R for violence.  For obvious reasons, this is probably one of the only rated R movies I would “recommend” as a youth minister.  However, I will note that this movie may not be for everyone – especially those in middle school and that parent discernment should be used for this youth group activity.  Please consider the Plugged-In Online Review if you haven’t seen this movie for yourself (as a parent).  


On the other hand, all too often we do not really take into consideration the measure of suffering that our Lord went through because of sin he took away from me (us) – this movie is a stark reminder of the price that was paid so that I could have a relationship with my creator. 




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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