Friday, January 11, 2008

[TeenMinistry] WinterJam!!!

Sunday, January 27 is WinterJam!!!  MercyMe, Skillet, BarlowGirl and others will be at The Family Arena in St. Charles.  You can go to for more details.


We will be going as a group.  Tickets are $10 at the door and I’m asking you to bring an extra $1 to help with van gas.


We will meet at the building at 3:45 PM – we should be back around 10:30 PM (I know it’s late and it’s a school night but it’s a concert! J)


YOU MUST SIGN UP TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A RIDE  (You can meet us there too – make sure you have a ride to pick you up – we can’t wait)



  • $11
  • Sack dinner to eat while we are standing in the cold waiting in line to get in
    • OR
  • $$ to buy expensive arena food



  • Parents are welcome to come
  • Terry & Betty Smith and I will be chaperoning and driving (thanks Terry and Betty for volunteering)

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