Thursday, January 24, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Scripture Reading - Keep it up



Several of you have approached me to say “I’m still reading!”  with an air of surprise in your voice.  I say to you “Keep it up!”  I am not surprised…the more you get to know the one who created you the more of Him you want to get to know.  God’s word will slowly penetrate your heart to change you in the likeness of Christ.   Your life, while maybe not becoming easier, will become richer and fuller, rather than being focused on what you can accomplish you will be more concerned with what God can accomplish THROUGH YOU.  Rather than filling your calendar with busy-ness, fill it with spending time with God! 


KEEP IT UP – keep reading, keep searching, keep finding God in your daily life…he will consume you and it will change your life, it will change your youth group, it will change your church!  Satan will try to distract you with “urgent” things, “fun” things, alluring things – but stay on coarse, keep the faith and “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus.”  (that quote comes from one of your readings)


I’ve attached the reading schedule (hopefully it goes through this time).  IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO START…YOU CAN STILL REACH THE GOAL.  Remember it’s on your honor, in March those who have reached this first goal will participate in an activity together “as a reward”.  We will begin another set at the beginning of March and then June and then September and each time we will have an “incentive”.  Before long – as you mature in Christ, you won’t need an incentive (although we will still do them) you will find yourself wanting to go to God’s Word more and more.  You will quit looking at it as a task and consider it a privilege to spend time in God’s Word.


If you are a parent reading this, I challenge you…do this as a family…encourage your spouse and your kids to be in God’s word DAILY. (Deut 6:4-9)  Is this too much to ask from those who claim Jesus as Savior and Lord?  We determined in our Jr. High class a few weeks ago that if we are Christians claiming to follow Christ then we had better know what that means, being in the Word is one way of finding that out!


If you are at a different place and need to read or focus on different scripture, then do so, keep a journal of your reading time…you don’t have to follow the “reading schedule” formula…you just need to be in the Word – daily.


My prayer for you is that as you read about Jesus, you will come to know Jesus and as you come to know Jesus, you will begin to live Jesus.


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


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