Monday, January 28, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Senior High Sunday morning class

Just a couple of reminders for the high school teen class:  This Sunday morning (Feb 4th) we will be having class at Starbuck's on Manchester Rd (near the church).  Meet in the teen room immediately following assembly so we can arrange a ride for everyone.  We may need a couple of drivers in addition to what the Finns and Shepherds can take.  Bring money for Starbuck's if you would like anything.  We will be back at the building by 11:30.
Also, if you have not had a chance to contribute $1 towards the lunch items we need to make sandwiches (for the West Central kids) please bring on Sunday so we can do that again the following week.  Have a great week and see you on Sunday!
Alan Shepherd

Thursday, January 24, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Scripture Reading - Keep it up



Several of you have approached me to say “I’m still reading!”  with an air of surprise in your voice.  I say to you “Keep it up!”  I am not surprised…the more you get to know the one who created you the more of Him you want to get to know.  God’s word will slowly penetrate your heart to change you in the likeness of Christ.   Your life, while maybe not becoming easier, will become richer and fuller, rather than being focused on what you can accomplish you will be more concerned with what God can accomplish THROUGH YOU.  Rather than filling your calendar with busy-ness, fill it with spending time with God! 


KEEP IT UP – keep reading, keep searching, keep finding God in your daily life…he will consume you and it will change your life, it will change your youth group, it will change your church!  Satan will try to distract you with “urgent” things, “fun” things, alluring things – but stay on coarse, keep the faith and “press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called you heavenward in Christ Jesus.”  (that quote comes from one of your readings)


I’ve attached the reading schedule (hopefully it goes through this time).  IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO START…YOU CAN STILL REACH THE GOAL.  Remember it’s on your honor, in March those who have reached this first goal will participate in an activity together “as a reward”.  We will begin another set at the beginning of March and then June and then September and each time we will have an “incentive”.  Before long – as you mature in Christ, you won’t need an incentive (although we will still do them) you will find yourself wanting to go to God’s Word more and more.  You will quit looking at it as a task and consider it a privilege to spend time in God’s Word.


If you are a parent reading this, I challenge you…do this as a family…encourage your spouse and your kids to be in God’s word DAILY. (Deut 6:4-9)  Is this too much to ask from those who claim Jesus as Savior and Lord?  We determined in our Jr. High class a few weeks ago that if we are Christians claiming to follow Christ then we had better know what that means, being in the Word is one way of finding that out!


If you are at a different place and need to read or focus on different scripture, then do so, keep a journal of your reading time…you don’t have to follow the “reading schedule” formula…you just need to be in the Word – daily.


My prayer for you is that as you read about Jesus, you will come to know Jesus and as you come to know Jesus, you will begin to live Jesus.


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Sr. High - Pizza Dinner

Just a reminder – tonight Mark Pruitt will be with us.  He is hosting a Pizza Dinner for the High Schoolers.  Be in the Teen Room at 6 PM.  Hope to see you there!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Monday, January 21, 2008

[TeenMinistry] Wednesday Night - Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors

High Schoolers are invited to dinner Wednesday evening hosted by Mark Pruitt from Harding UniversityMeet in the Teen Room at 6 PM for pizza!  As High Schoolers, you are probably looking into options for you college career.  Mark will be there to answer your questions about Harding specifically and about college in general. 



Mark will also be with us during our class time Wednesday evening.  He will be sharing a devotional thought with us.  At the end of class, we will be taking a “field trip” over to check on the progress of the “EPICenter”.


PARENTS – Mark will be glad to stay around to answer your questions.  You can just catch him in the Teen Room following classes.



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Saturday, January 19, 2008

[TeenMinistry] KidsFest - ALREADY

TEENS – Herb & Kathy need your help.  They will be producing videos for Kidsfest soon.  We need writers (ones who aren’t on strike), actors, videographers (people who operate the cameras), producers (who put video together).  We are willing to help you BUT WE NEED YOU!


Please let Herb & Kathy know that you are willing to help by clicking here and send them an e-mail SOON!!!


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Thursday, January 17, 2008

[TeenMinistry] "Girls of Grace"

Hey girls (and moms), we are already fielding calls from other churches that are going to be here!  Let’s have a great showing from Lafayette!  Dawn needs your help!



This is to let you know about an awesome event for teen girls being held at Lafayette.  It will be a day of praise, learning and music!  This is open to all girls and denominations.  Below is the press release with all the details.  Anyone wishing to help with the event is welcome!  We will need some help planning and a lot of help the day of the event.  Any teen girls wishing to help will receive a reserved seat for the event, lunch, an event t-shirt and more!  We would love to have you join us for this event!                      Please share this information with parents, girls andyouth leaders you know.


                                                            Dawn Malcolm, 636-256-9183




Largest gathering of teenage girls across North America


On Saturday, February 23rd, 2008, teenage girls throughout North America will crowd hundreds of auditoriums, church sanctuaries and halls to be a part of the first-ever Girls of Grace Nation simulcast.


In conjunction with Church Communication Network (CCN), Lafayette Church of Christ is hosting the highly anticipated Girls of Grace Nation, on Saturday, February 23rd from 9:00am to 3:00 pm — via satellite on CCN.


The passionate vision of award-winning recording artist Point of Grace, this one-day conference will include an all-star line-up of speaking and musical talents LIVE via satellite on CCN.  Inspired by Point of Grace’s latest album, the theme for 2008 will be How You Live.


Featuring speakers Shelley Breen, Leigh Cappillino, Denise Jones, Heather Payne, Susie Shellenberger, Chris Wheeler and musicians Stellar Kart, Barlow Girl, Group 1 Crew, and Jaime Jamgochian — Girls of Grace Nation offers teenage girls a day of straight-talk, encouragement, laughter, and music, not to mention personal and spiritual growth.


“Our goal is to create a foundation experience, compelling each girl to build her life with purpose through a refreshed, hope filled heart, a renewed self-confidence and a deep desire for a relational, daily walk with Jesus Christ,” says Shelley Breen, member of the platinum-selling band Point of Grace.


Susie Shellenberger, featured speaker and author of Secret Power for Girls and Girl Talk with God uses contemporary language, illustrations, and humor to confront the problems of identity, security, and self-esteem that plague young teenage women today.


Featured speaker and Chris Wheeler is a wild-haired, people-magnet creating a memorable environment for the teaching of God’s word. As a student ministries director in Nashville, TN, Chris passionately communicates the truths of God’s kingdom in fresh, simple and creative ways. 


This event will be hosted by Lafayette Church of Christ, 115 New Ballwin Rd., Ballwin MO 63021.  Tickets are $15 and must be purchased in advance.  Event t-shirts are available for $12.  For more information call 636-391-6697 or email or call Dawn Malcolm 636-256-9183



Tuesday, January 15, 2008

[TeenMinistry] In the WORD - with attachment this time

Several of you took on the challenge to be in the WORD in 2008!  It’s hard to live Christian lives if we are not going to the Source!  We have direct access to the Giver of Life when we open the Bible. 


We passed this reading schedule out Sunday morning but in case you didn’t get it, I’ve attached a PDF.  It’s not too late to start.  Those who make it through the first round of January & February will participate in a special event TBA in early March.



Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] In the WORD

Several of you took on the challenge to be in the WORD in 2008!  It’s hard to live Christian lives if we are not going to the Source!  We have direct access to the Giver of Life when we open the Bible. 


We passed this reading schedule out Sunday morning but in case you didn’t get it, I’ve attached a PDF.  It’s not too late to start.  Those who make it through the first round of January & February will participate in a special event TBA in early March.


Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


Friday, January 11, 2008

[TeenMinistry] WinterJam!!!

Sunday, January 27 is WinterJam!!!  MercyMe, Skillet, BarlowGirl and others will be at The Family Arena in St. Charles.  You can go to for more details.


We will be going as a group.  Tickets are $10 at the door and I’m asking you to bring an extra $1 to help with van gas.


We will meet at the building at 3:45 PM – we should be back around 10:30 PM (I know it’s late and it’s a school night but it’s a concert! J)


YOU MUST SIGN UP TO MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A RIDE  (You can meet us there too – make sure you have a ride to pick you up – we can’t wait)



  • $11
  • Sack dinner to eat while we are standing in the cold waiting in line to get in
    • OR
  • $$ to buy expensive arena food



  • Parents are welcome to come
  • Terry & Betty Smith and I will be chaperoning and driving (thanks Terry and Betty for volunteering)

[TeenMinistry] ACTS Carnival

ACTS is a group of students from various colleges and universities around the St. Louis area, as well as college-aged Christians serving God in the workplaces of St. Louis.


Next Sunday, January 20 is a Fundraiser Carnival for the ACTS group at McKnight Road.  We have been asked to take care of 3 booths.  We need 8 to 12 or more teens AND PARENTS to help with this.  We will leave the building as soon as we can after classes on Sunday the 20th, grab a quick lunch at a fast food place and get to McKnight to man the Golf Game, Candle Shoot-out or Bean Bag Throw.  Bring some money for lunch and to buy tickets to play the games.  There will be a devotional and we should be back to the building by 5:45 PM. 


This is a great time to be together and have a lot of fun while helping others.


SIGN UP on the Teen Room Door if you can help and need a ride.


If you can’t stay the whole time but want to come help and have your own transportation, just let me know what times you can come help.




Because of the Cross,





Mike Brown

Youth & Family Minister

Lafayette Church of Christ

115 New Ballwin Rd.

Ballwin, MO  63021

636.391.6697 - office

636.394.2338 - fax


[TeenMinistry] Sr. High - TLC (Training Leaders for Christ)

Sr. High – WE NEED LEADERS IN OUR YOUTH GROUP – this is a great way to begin that process in your life!!!  Will you STEP UP??? If you are interested don’t wait until the last minute!!!!  The deadline is January 16th!!!  If cost is a factor, apply anyway and talk to me, I will try to get scholarships!!!


Greater St. Louis

Teen Leadership Conference 2008

For Sr. High Teen Leaders

Here is some information for TLC – if you are interested, the brochure should be attached to this e-mail.  The information in red is for Lafayette Teens and not on the form.  Jerry intends to be very strict on the deadline this year!!! SO DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE TO GET YOUR INTERVIEW GOING!!!



  1. Must be a baptized believer.
  2. Must be active in church youth program (determined by Youth Leader).
  3. Must send two references from church leaders (one must be from your Youth Leader) with application.
  4. Interview a leader in your church (not a relative or youth minister) on the topic of Leadership.  Must include a minimum of 10 questions.  Type questions & answers and send to Jerry Williamson via methods listed below.
  5. Must write a personal Psalm to God (example Psalm 116; 130).  Please put your Psalm and Interview on a CD-R or email them to
  6. Must presently be in High School.


  • You cannot leave the hotel except for lunch on Saturday with the group.
  • You cannot wear jeans, T-shirts or shorts in classes.
  • The classes are not optional, everyone must attend.
  • The Saturday night banquet will be very special, so guys need to wear shirt, tie and dress pants, and ladies need to wear a modest dress or pant suit.
  • You will participate in classes, devotionals, games, movies, banquet, worship and many other fun and challenging activities.


Arrive:  7:00—7:30 p.m. on Friday.  Please arrive by this time.  (Lafayette Teens will leave LC at 6:15 PM)

Cost:  $100.00 per person.  This covers 2 nights’ lodging, 2 breakfasts and Saturday night banquet, group photo, & notebook.  You are responsible for dinner (before conference) on Friday, and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. (LC Teens need to eat dinner before you arrive at the building and we will be back in time for you to eat lunch with your family on Sunday – so the only $$ you will need is lunch on Saturday)

Bring:  A Bible and a positive attitude (notebook and pen are provided).


Complete an application/health information form for each person.

Mail application, references and essay with $50 (non-refundable; $50 balance due at registration) to:

Jerry Williamson

Florissant Church of Christ

16460 New Halls Ferry Road

Florissant, MO 63031

(checks sent to Jerry should be payable to “Youth Rally Fund”.)

Deadline is January 16, 2008.